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For the past few days since his exams week started Wonwoo was having trouble sleeping. Aside from the last minute cramming, he kept tossing and turning in his bed when he actually decided to sleep. His mind kept wandering to a certain person who he was in desperate need to see.

They were practically separated ever since the exams began, as neither of the two had enough time to spend even an eighth of the time they usually spent with each other, except for short catching up's during recess and lunch, where Wonwoo and Mingyu had to hurrily finish their food and afterwards go their separate ways for a final review. Even though they were taking the same exams, both knew that if they studied together, they wouldnt be getting anything done.

And so Wonwoo lied on his bed after re-reading a part of the lesson he didnt fully understand. He stared at the ceiling at 1 in the morning tired and exhausted but still unable to sleep. He was bothered by the noise surrounding him like how the fan's motor emanated buzzing sounds, how the crickets annoyingly chirped outside his house non-stop, and how the branches of the tree in his backyard crashed again and again into his window as the wind blew upon it. He knew he couldnt do anything about these things.

Yet he tried his best to fall asleep because he knew it wasnt healthy and he really needed the energy for this last day of finals but aside from noise, he kept remembering all the times he and Mingyu were together. He flashed back to when they would often hang out at each other's home after school and cuddle with each other while watching a cheesy rom-com and eating some wacky-flavored popcorn which was different each time. He remembered how Mingyu would hold him in a delicate way and as if he was holding something very important and fragile. He remembered how Mingyu would softly kiss him on the lips at first, then trail into butterfly kisses down his neck and leave hickey marks, which were easily hid by the sweaters he wore daily, at his collarbone. He remembered how Mingyu would always cheer him up whenever he was sad, being able to laugh just by hearing the younger boy laughing at his own corny jokes. He remembered how Mingyu was always there for him, whenever he was in trouble with bullies. Before they could land a finger on him, Mingyu had already knocked them down. Or whenever he was feeling alone and worthless, Mingyu reassured him that he would always be by Wonwoo's side no matter what. He even reminisced the first time he laid his eyes on him as if it were love at first sight, a fairytale since Mingyu felt the same.

Wonwoo wished he could be beside Mingyu right now, but he doesnt even know if the boy was still awake, much less thinking of sleeping next to him. Wonwoo sighed to himself as he looked at a framed picture of the two of them he had by his table. It was dark but the moonlight from his window made it  possible for him to see the wide smiles that they had that day. He longed to see that gummy smile once again and hug his most beloved one to sleep.

An idea popped up in his mind.

What if... I go to his house right now? I could do that... but what do I do if he's asleep?

Wonwoo scrunched his nose, shaking his head at the thought of going all the way to Mingyu's house just to find him asleep, even if it was just a block away. He knew the younger was a deep sleeper that couldnt be woken up until 7 in the morning.

It's not like this would be the first time doing that but before we were able to talk earlier and I actually knew he was awake. But... what are the chances of him being awake and thinking about me too? Probably none. He's probably already sleeping like he usually is, since yesterday was really tiring.

Wonwoo groaned placing both of his hands on his head covering his eyes. He wanted to see Mingyu really badly but couldnt stand the thought of Mingyu sleeping peacefully while he was suffering the whole week thinking about him. It was very selfish of Wonwoo, but he didnt care. He wanted Mingyu to miss him, just as much as Wonwoo missed him.

I cant stand it. Im gonna text him first then leave.

Wonwoo sat up deciding this would be the best thing to do rather than just lie in bed doing nothing.

Wonwoo: hey cant sleep. im coming over. hope you're still awake .-.

As he hid his phone into the pockets of his pajamas he heard a knocking. He realized the source of the sound came from one of his un-opened windows. Surprisingly it was not leaves and branches; there was a shadow of a person. Terrified Wonwoo ducked under his table like a frightened cat as he heard mumbling sounds coming from whoever was outside his house. His room was on the second floor with only a 6-inch ledge making it seem unthinkable that a person would try and get up there at that time. He felt chills running down his spine each time the man knocked on the glass. He was trembling and closing his eyes just hoping the stranger would not break in.

Suddenly the knocking stopped and Wonwoo slowly opened his eyes. He sighed deeply as he saw the man slowly moving away. Then, he heard a chime as if someone had received a message. It did not come from his phone and he noticed the shadow had returned, knocking twice on his window. He quickly hid himself under his table once again.

Wonwoo jolted up as he felt his phone vibrate making him hit his head and let out a groan. He immediately covered his mouth hoping the person outside didnt hear him. The mumbling sound became audible and he recognized the words to be "Wonwoo." He became more afraid then ever. He hastily opened his phone to message Mingyu for help.

Mingyu: babe got your text just now. im outside please let me in? its freezing out

Mingyu: are you ok? sounds like you got hurt??

Wonwoo just sat motionless, mind still processing the messages. He face palmed himself as his heart beat slowed down. How stupid could I be to think there was a burglar? He thought as he stood up and opened his windows, revealing Mingyu shaking from the cold. Even in the moonlight Wonwoo could still see Mingyu's chiseled features, how his eyes sparkled like the stars above him, and the smile he had been longing for the entire night. He promptly invited him saying, "Thought you were a burglar." He laughed.

Mingyu shook his head in disbelief. "Do I really look like that?" He said as they sat on Wonwoo's bed.

"Well the windows arent really the type you can see clearly through!" Wonwoo whisper-shouted.

"It's ok. Atleast im here now with you." Wonwoo smiled, happy that he was finally able to be with his love and even though he couldnt actually see it he knew Mingyu was smiling as well. The younger wrapped an arm around Wonwoo as he pulled him closer. Their noses were already touching and Mingyu could feel the heat from Wonwoo's breath. Slowly cupping Wonwoo's face with his other hand, he closed the gap between their lips. Mingyu carefully pushed Wonwoo down unto his bed. "I missed you so much." Mingyu whispered into his ear. "I missed you so much too." Wonwoo replied as Mingyu started leaving butterfly kisses down his neck and a hickey on his collarbone, knowing that Wonwoo missed it alot. Mingyu stopped, as he remembered they still had an exam later and thought that Wonwoo needed to sleep, falling beside him.

"Gyu." Wonwoo called already half-asleep, turning to keep Mingyu in a warm hug.


"Did you have trouble sleeping too?"

"The whole week." Mingyu said as he started feeling sleepy as well.

"So you were thinking about me that much huh?"

"Well ofcourse. I love you." Mingyu said as he hid his face in Wonwoo's neck.

"I love you too." He said as they both fell asleep in each other's arms.


I feel very satisfied with this :)
I hope you liked it alot. I actually got the idea when I couldnt sleep so yeah. And i wrote this while it was around midnight.
Thank you for reading until the end if you did. Tell me what you think and vote if you want to~


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