Story Infinite #1

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The hero comes in with a flourish, his cape swishing from behind him, sword gleaming as it is ripped from its sheath.

"Villain! I have come to save the princess!" he yells.

"And you think you can?" Villain cackles.

"I defeated your pet dragon out front," the hero boasts.

"You think I don't know that? How else would you have gotten in?" Villain inquires sarcastically.

The hero growls, embarrassed, and charges Villain, stabbing his sword toward the mans chest. Villain dodges, and tumbles out of the way, swiping his wand with a burst of fire.

"You could join me, you know," Villain pants, tumbling away from the hero's sword.


"But we both could have a piece of the princess. I'll have her power, and you can do what you wish with her body."

"No! I love her, and I would never betray her like that!" the hero growls, looking away from Villain.

Villain dodges another attack, but doesn't see the princess sneak up from behind him. The princess steals Villains staff, and sends a bolt of lightning to jolt him.

He lays on the floor, shaking a groaning, acting perfectly. But without anyone noticing he silently calms himself, willing the panic to go away, the pain reminding him of other times.

The hero and the princess embrace, holding each other close, whispering quiet reliefs.

As the villain starts to slowly rise, they part.

"Why would you do this? I trusted you," the princess asks.

"You've asked that question a million times, and I still won't answer."

"There's no need. I know everything," this startles Villain, but only for a second as the hero continues. "You were originally an orphan on the streets before you stole something from the king, and were punished. He tortured you and then forced you to be his wife's and then his daughters servant. You wanted revenge, and after you had gained his family's trust, you killed him. But that wasn't enough for you. You wanted the kingdom, the nation, that had ridiculed you and ruined your life, to end. And you knew who had the power to do that, and kidnapped her.

"I never though I'd say this, but why don't you join us? We can rebuild the kingdom together. We can save all of the kids like you on the streets," the hero finishes.

"No. I will never join you! My life ended the moment I met that man's eyes! I wanted everyone to die, so that I could finally be alone!" Villain yelled, charging the princess, whipping a knife from his pocket.

On instinct, the hero pushed the princess to the side, and slashed his sword across Villain's chest.

The man fell, bleeding out, pain already gone from his senses, as his heart slowly flutters to a stop. He died seeing the princess and the hero embrace, tears in their eyes. And he smiled, thinking that it might've been the first time anyone had cried over his death.

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