One Thing

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Most people think one thing about middle school relationships. There not real. They don't really love each other. That their just in a relationship to be in one.

Well... FUCK THAT!!!!

HA man does that feel good to say. Because I know better. They can feel things but I think I'm one of the only people that actually loves their girlfriend. Let's call her Emma. This is a story about her and how I can't get over her. It's mostly true but the names are changed so these people don't feel embarrassed at how bad this story is.

It was Halloween, me and a couple of my friends, most of which I didn't even know, went out for trick or treating. I walked into Alex's house saying "Hello?" First there was no response than some faint yelling than Alex came up dressed as a rich serial killer (ya know with the half white face and black clothes), than there was sam with her weird old fashioned wizard outfit, than there was her. She came out with a stitch costume on and oh so beautiful blue hair with eyes that could make you faint, freckles that made her so much more adorable, and a smile that could... oh you get the point. But I recognized her, we met once before at your house and always gave slight waves in the halls at school and she also sat at my lunch table, I never much paid attention to her before.

I think I spaced out at her because apparently Alex had been calling me "Nick...NICK"

I snapped from my transe"What... where.... who...?" I said jokingly with a smile.

"Ha ha very funny" she said while rolling her eyes "Were just about ready to go, were waiting on Amy and Luke."

"Cool...ummm...I have no idea who those people are" I said scratching my head.

She smiled and said "Anyway, I believe you know Sam..." she pointed to Sam "...and Emma." When she pointed to Emma our eyes met. It felt like I could live with this woman forever. She gave me a smile I couldn't forget and it felt like hours. And I couldn't look away, it was love at first sight if it exist. But good things don't last forever

"Wait that doesn't make any sense" said jagger over his soda and the click clacking of his control "why do you have to change the names? I know these people"

He interrupted my story but I didn't mind, he was my best friend anyway. I took a sip of my soda and spoke annoyed "Ok fine I'll use there real names. I just thought it would sound more dramatic that's all" I stood up strait "Can I finish my story now?" I said calmly.

Where was I... oh yes I was staring into her eyes and she was staring into mine. I thought that moment was gonna last forever. Then me and Jenna's in stead of Emma, there happy, trance ended when Nadia, not Amy, came in the door, bring us back to reality.

"Hey everyone" she said through her wolf mask. And I thought I could impress her with some jokes...maybe. So I acted as if Nadia was a actual wolf and freaked out. And what a good guess it was because Jenna started to giggle the cutest giggle I have ever heard. It was the best feeling in the world. Suddenly I wanted to do a lot of things with her like snuggle, hug, brush a strand of her hair behind her ear, and so much more including becoming her boyfriend.

The rest of the night went like it would in someone's dreams, she wouldn't leave me alone. She kept on holding my arm and putting her head on my shoulder. I couldn't believe it, she didn't think I was a complete weirdo like all of the other girls did in elementary school did. It felt so good.

I'm such an idiot! I thought. This is all a dream, this would never happen to someone as stupid as me. But what if it isn't a dream. The thought made my mouth open wide. This is real. I told myself over and over again though out the night and ever time I thought of that it became more clear that it was and by the end of the night I knew it was.

I thought we would be good friends after that. I was wrong.

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