Chappo 2

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in so long...  On with the next chappie!🍈🍈

"Miley!" I gasp, trying to catch up to my best friend. She runs out of my sight, shouting something that vaguely sounds like the name "Darren." I sigh and slowly shake my head. She's probably running after another one of her boytoys.  I walk around the mall, looking for a good place to shop. I know that Miley will drag me back into the mall if I try to escape; it has happened three times too many.

I sigh once more and walk into a new store called, "Fangurl and Fanboys' Home." ((A/N: Made that up. I'm terrible at naming things.  XD)) I start excitedly gazing at the kawaii accessories, bags, and clothes. All the beautiful MERCH! I see a Detective Conan bow-tie and run towards it. While running, I don't see that someone else is also going towards it, so, quite clumsily, I run straight into him and send us both sprawling. I hear a man groan and look over. A teen in a baggy, black sweatshirt is holding his head on the ground. I jump up and go towards him, asking if he is alright. He looks up and I gasp.

"I'm-I'm alright." That  familiar, warm, honey-like voice glides over me like melted butter. I shudder involuntarily and look at him again.

"Y-you! You're Dominic Kade!" After my whispered revelation, he sighs and looks down.

After a few awkward seconds, he looks at me again and says, "Would you mind not squealing too much-"

I interrupt him by saying, "Actually, number 1: it is called 'fangirling,' and number 2: I only recognized you because my best friend is obsessed with you. I don't necessarily like celebrities very much unless they are fictional."

He looks at me, shock written all over his face. "You aren't a crazy fangirl or anything?!" My super shy side kicks in then, and my head goes down, my long, dark, curly locks covering my face like the black curtains in my room.

"W-Well, I sorta, kinda AM a-a fangirl," I mumble. I peek through the curly mess and see him looking at me. I get flustered and ask, "W-What?" He stares at me intently before looking up.

"You just remind me of my brother. He's not really as famous as me, he's a freakin' nerd, and I think he might be gay. But you're not gay, right?" This causes me to stare at my shoes and blush as red as Little Red Riding Hood's cloak.

I didn't realize before how interesting these shoes are...

"N-No... I'm really not," I whisper shyly. "Although, I do like rainbows..." I shrug, making my hair move a bit. He chuckles his perfect Hollywood laugh and ruffles my hair.

"Wow, you sure are a cute one."

"T-Thanks," I mumble in reply. If I knew him better, I probably would be telling him off right now... Oh, wait. He's. A. Fudging. CELEBRITY! I can't talk to him like that... Oh well, it's not like anyone would care. "B-But I'm not exactly 'cute.'" He folds his arms against his chest.

"And how are you 'not exactly cute'?"

"Because I'm just n-not!" I huff and start walking away.

"Hey! Hold on! I was just messing around with you- um- what's your name, anyways?"

I smirk. "Why don't you try and guess, Mr. Celebrity??" He sighs and grumbles under his breath. My ears perk up. "What exactly did you say?"

"I said that women are so confusing sometimes," he replies.

"Fine, then. If I'm so confusing, why are you still here and not running away with that Detecive Conan bow-tie that we were just going for before we landed on our butts?"

He sighs before answering, "First of all, the bow-tie was going to be for my brother since his birthday is coming up, and he loves that cartoon thing."


His voice softens, "Well, because you are the first person I've ever met who hasn't asked if either I'm single, if they can get a selfie or an autograph, or if I can get them a record deal. And I guess I sort of miss talking to people who treat me like a normal human being... And my guess is Maria." I'm surprised by his words and cannot speak until he asks, "So? Was I right? Is your name Maria? You kinda do look like a  Mexican." I shake my head and poke his arm.

"You, Mr. , are incredibly racist." Once I see him trying to backtrack and his face turns red, I double over in laughter. I hiccup a few times before I am finally done. He is looking at me like he wants to throw me in his car and find the nearest mental hospital. "By the way, it's Lee."


I sigh exasperatedly. "That's my name, Lee Otaku Watchani." Before he can ask, I shake my head. "And, no, I am not Japanese or Hawaiian or Indonesian or Mexican or whatever else. I am Dominican, Italian, and Irish, all mixed into one!"

Before anyone can get another word out, I hear an indignant shout. "OH MY GOSH, IS THAT DOMINIC KADE?!?! AND WHAT'S HE DOING WITH THAT LITTLE WHATCHAMACALLIT?!?!??!?!"

I sigh and put my head down. "Better run. It's," I shudder, "Sabrina Pordon."


Well, now you can see where I got the title from! And now there are 3 new characters! You can see each of their pictures in my Character Book that I'll be posting soon! (Anime form, of course. >:3)


Dominic Kade

Dominic's little bro ((Gonna have to come up with his name soon)) (I'm gonna post his picture when I let Lee see him)

Sabrina Pordon 0_0

Lee Otaku Watchani ^o^


Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this new update (Since I haven't written in a month).

Okay (gonna try out my new YouTube outro now cx)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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