I didn't bother looking at her.

"Sorry, I'm busy."

I felt her smile vanish at my cold reply but she tried again. "You can come with Andrew. I'm sure both of you will enjoy yourselves." She used Andrew because she knew he was my friend and that he could convince me but I still had no interest.

"The teacher's coming, Brianna. You better go." I gave her a little smile to shoo her away to which she smiled back, the glow on her face returning. "O-oh well, I'll talk to you after class?" she asked. I gave her a nod. "Sure,"

She bit her full lips with a little blush on her cheeks. With an excited smile, she walked away.

"Are you guys prepared for the quiz?" The teacher asked us when she stood in front of us. I cursed under my breath but then thought that it didn't matter because it was just a stupid quiz. Just as I was thinking that the teacher spoke up again. "The marks will add up on your final​ exams" I groaned and looked towards Andrew who was sitting beside Brianna and her friends by then. I rolled my eyes at the empty seat beside me.

Suddenly, Anisa stormed up to me. "I'm sitting here!" she announced in a low voice and sat down. Her face looked red like a tomato and I could literally see smoke come out of her ears. My lips curled up into a grin.

"Fine, but show me your paper," I whispered to her as the teacher roamed around the class, handing out papers to each one of us. She narrowed her eyes at me but then nodded her head. I sat back on my seat, relaxing. I knew Anisa knew the test because she had been studying.

When the teacher came up to us to give us the paper, she gave both of us a weird look as it wasn't every day you saw Anisa sitting with Ali. She soon waved it off and then went to the next desk. I took out a pen and started writing.

After a while, I was done.
I leaned back on my chair. "Man, that was easy," I stated. I looked at Anisa and she shook her head in disbelief. "You literally copied everything!" she said. I let out a hand and waved it in the air. "Chill. You're not going to get caught. I'm a pro at this."

"Enough about this. We need to talk." Anisa told me firmly. She glanced at my chair that was half in the air and half on the ground. "You're gonna fall," she commented. Before I could assure her that I wouldn't, I pushed my chair a little too much in the air making the leg slip. I toppled on the ground and hit my back.

The noise grabbed everyone's attention and there was a moment of silence in the room. Anisa looked at me with a look of shock but slowly a smile formed on her face. She opened her mouth and started laughing out loud, her voice echoing in the room. The class followed her and soon everyone was laughing at me.

Honestly, it was embarrassing but I had that much confidence in me that I didn't mind the attention. Instead, I stared at her as she laughed wholeheartedly, her straight teeth showing. Soon, the class piped down.

Surprisingly, Anisa held out her hand to help me up with a smile on her face. At that point, the whole class was focused on her. I was stunned for a second as I had never thought she would do that in front of everyone. I gave her my hand and she pulled me up, staggering a bit when she felt my weight on her.

"Told you; you were going to fall." She said proudly. I nodded slowly, rubbing my back and wincing a little. "That was painful," I told her. When I was finally sitting safely on my chair again, I turned to her. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked her. She looked here and there and noticed that the teacher for the next period had already come. "I need to talk to you urgently. Let's just ditch this one. Besides, I hate Chemistry." She told me. I raised my eyebrow at her. "Bunking class, are we? Not that I have a problem with it." I gave her a teasing look.

She nodded. "I'm sure it won't hurt to bunk every once in a while." She smiled a little as she said that. "Can I go to the washroom?" I asked the teacher who had just reached the whiteboard. The teacher nodded while Anisa just mouthed towards me, "What're you doing?" I gave her an assuring nod to which she got quiet, waiting to see what I was up to.

I walked outside the classroom and waited outside for a few minutes. When I was sure the time was right, I opened the door of the classroom and walked to the teacher. "Miss, Mr. Brown is calling Anisa. He said that it's really important." I told her with a straight face.

Everyone in the school, even the teachers, knew not to mess with Mr. Brown. He was that kinda guy. Besides, he was the oldest teacher there. With a hesitant look, the teacher nodded. "Anisa, go. But be back as soon as possible!" She ordered. Anisa looked at me, confused and surprised. I smirked at​ her, motioning for her to come.

She followed me outside to the cafeteria, which was empty at the time. "So," I started. "What's the matter?"

She just sighed. "I just need to clear a few things up." She spoke. I hummed in response, sticking my hands inside my pockets.
"I was thinking about what you said about not caring what people think and I guess you're right." She said. "And I'm sure you know what the new hot topic of the school is." I nodded in reply. She started fidgeting with her fingers. "And it occurred to me that I couldn't escape everyone anymore so when the truth is out," she looked at me directly in the eyes.

"I expect you to save me from all that drama that's going to come. And by that, I mean your crazy fangirls."

I gave her a smug smile. "There IS some common sense in that head of yours after all," I said, poking her head. She yanked my hand away. "Yes, I do!" She grumbled which looked really cute. I nodded.

"Fine, I'll protect you. Because we're in this relationship thing together. I don't think it's fair that only one of us has to suffer." I shrugged.

She nodded her head in amazement. "I finally realized this isn't made of stone." She poked my chest. "Copycat," I commented, laughing. She shook her head. "I just gave you the taste of your own medicine." She said, smiling smugly.

Suddenly, the smile on her face made me freeze. I didn't know what happened but I felt a weird tingling feeling in my body. My stomach was flipping and my heart was beating fast. And I liked the feeling. I liked it a lot.

After that, I told myself one thing. I loved her smile. It made me want to make her smile and laugh all the time, every day. And just the thought of her being sad hurt something in my chest. It took me a while to recognize the feeling.

It had never happened before. Not when I had my first kiss. Not when I had my first date and not when any girl approached me. In all my seventeen years, I had never felt so good just by looking at someone's smile. It made me understand what was happening.

I wasn't that dense not to realize. I knew what it was and finally accepting it was like a huge burden had been taken off my shoulders.

I moved my gaze to Anisa and smiled at her. "Let's get outta here?" I suggested. She raised an eyebrow at me. "Where are we going to go?". I flashed her a wink and I saw her freeze at that. "On a date.". Her eyes widened.
"This again? I've always turned you down. Why do you think I'll agree now?" she referred to all the times when I asked her to go out with me just to tease her or to annoy her because I knew she was strict about Islamic principles.

I smirked at her. "Because this time, I'm serious. And we'll be back before the next class starts. Besides, we're already bunking class. Let's make use of the time we have."

She looked hesitant but I grabbed her arm gently. "No time to think, princess. We need to be back in the next twenty minutes." and I dragged her out of the cafeteria to Allah knew where. I didn't give her time to object and it seemed like she wasn't resisting either. Like she didn't have a problem with it much either.

All the while, there was only one question that was going on in my mind.

How was it that this bully fell for his target?

My husband, My bully (Complete✔️) Where stories live. Discover now