I frowned. "I try to.". Asma baji shook her head in disapproval. "No, no, Anisa. That's not how it's supposed to work. I'm not telling you to serve him or take care of him like a maid but showing affection is important."

I sighed. "And what about him, baji? Isn't he supposed to fulfill my duties that were handed over to him by Allah? If he doesn't do that then why should I?" I started getting a little angry. Asma baji frowned in confusion. "Is he bad to you?" she asked, worry starting to rise on her face.

"Oh, Allah. Why did father have to marry you off so early? I knew it would be hard for you to adjust to this."

I quickly stopped myself. Asma baji wasn't supposed to know the whole truth about Ali being my number one enemy.

"No, he's not bad to me. It's just that both of us are busy with ourselves. We go to school together and come back. That's basically it."

She shook her head in disapproval again. "That means you haven't gotten close to him even once?" She half gasped half-whispered. I turned red with embarrassment. "No!"

"Is it because you're bad to him?"
I quickly shook my head in no giving her a look that said 'Come on'.

"Does your father in law cause problems for you?"

I shook my head again. "No, no! He's really nice to me."

She started thinking for another reason. Once she was done, she looked at me again.

"Is it because he doesn't find you attractive then?"

I was about to shake my head again but I paused to think. Did he find me attractive? I would've said no if he hadn't said what he said in the car. The scene returned to mind and I started blushing.

"I don't think so." My voice was small and my cheeks were beetroot red. A teasing smile spread on Asma Baji's face. "Judging by the look on your face, I don't think I have to worry much." It was like she had read my mind and knew all about the car scene. I looked at her.

"What do you mean?" I quickly asked.

"I'm sure he said something sweet that's making you blush like that." She said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. When the heavy air turned light, Maryam piped in as well. "And she was saying that they didn't have any romantic moments. I'm sure she's done it as well." she sulked.

Asma baji looked at Maryam with widened eyes. "Get your head out of the dirt, Maryam." and before I thought that baji was going to stop her from saying such things, she added making me sink into my seat. "If you ask her like that, she's not going to tell us anything." she laughed.

"Come on, baji! It's nothing like that!"

Maryam winked at me while baji leaned in even closer. "Did he take the initiative or was it you?" At that, I closed my eyes shut and put my hands on my face to cover it. My face heated up and I looked like a fresh, red tomato which made both of them erupt in laughter again.

"You haven't even done it yet and you're blushing like that," Maryam said between laughter. Both of them gave each other a high five and I wished I could give Maryam a piece of my mind right there and then. "By the way, Anisa. You look so hot I'm sure Ali's heart must be in a frenzy." Maryam commented.

"That's true. Ali must've wanted to—"

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "Okay, that's enough!" I cried out. Both of them giggled at each other ignoring me. "What do you say we go shopping and get Anisa something to spice things up?" Maryam suggested and my eyes widened. "Shut up, Maryam!" I smacked her shoulder and she winced in pain.

"Ouch! Now I'll really get you something like that!"

Asma baji laughed but then stopped. "How do you know about all this, Maryam? You're unmarried and still a teenager." she teasingly scolded her. Maryam just shrugged. "This is the new generation, baji. These things aren't a secret anymore. We knew all about this when we were thirteen, right Anisa?" she looked at me to back her up.
I nodded. "Yup, although now I think it's a good thing I knew about it beforehand. Who thought I was going to get married so early?"

And that's how the rest of the night passed. We had an amazing dinner where I was "finally reunited with my husband" as said by Maryam. I had to admit, after all that conversation, I couldn't even look at him in the eye. I even tried to avoid him but of course, I had to end up going to his house again.

I sighed in frustration.

I couldn't face him anymore!

"You okay, Anisa?" I was shaken out of my thoughts by the one person I was dreading to talk to. Ali looked at me with a doubtful expression with his face a little close to me. "You've been silent the whole ride and even now you're not saying anything."
I shook my head shakily. "Just a bit tired."

"Did you have fun there? I liked the food. The Qourma was the best. I've never tasted anything like that before. And the beef Kebabs were just mouth-watering." He started making small conversation as he talked about the food. I tried to listen to him but Asma Baji's words weren't leaving my thoughts.

I didn't want to admit it, but I was feeling very paranoid about my looks and my body. Maybe even insecure.

We were in our room and I was just going to the washroom to get ready for the night when Ali started speaking to me out of the blue.

Surprisingly, I had never seen him talk like that. It looked like he really enjoyed himself there. He was still ranting about the food and the people when he stopped.

He raised an eyebrow at me as if I didn't give him an answer to something and narrowed his eyes. As if something was written on my face, he stooped in a bit closer. I tightened my grip on my nightdress that was crumbled up in my hands. He came even closer. "You all right? You're spacing out a lot."


Blood rushed to my face when he was just a few inches apart. "I… Err… Am just a…" I tried putting my words into a sentence but it did no good. He just came in even closer when I finally stumbled backward and my foot slipped. I let out a gasp.

The ground was taken out from under my feet and I felt myself in the air for a second. In the spur of the moment, I saw Ali reach out his hand and I quickly grabbed it which gave me support. His other hand flew out and grabbed me from my waist. He pulled me closer to him as if I would fall if he didn't. His left hand was tightly wrapped around my waist while the right one held my own hand.

I didn't realize how tightly I was hanging to him because my heart was beating so fast. Not because the fall I was just going to witness would be painful but because Ali was so darn close!
"Whoa," he looked down on me and I was lost into his eyes for a moment. "That was close."

I kept on looking at him shamelessly when he smirked. That's when I snapped to reality and face palmed myself. What just happened? When I was finally back to my senses, I felt his burning touch on my waist even through my clothes. Before I could let myself out of his grip, he said something that made me go numb.

"Let me take you to bed, princess."

My husband, My bully (Complete✔️) Where stories live. Discover now