31 Nothing Like Us

Start from the beginning

She really liked how they were dressed when they were invited to award ceremonies. She was wearing a black dress just like the other members but hers had some lace details in the shoulder area.

The dresses may have the same color but each dress was perfectly suited for each member's personality. They looked really classy and elegant.

Of course, later on, they'll have to change into their stage outfits and will be wearing that for the rest of the night.

They then slowly get off their van and walked to the photo backdrop area to get their photos taken. She gave her best smile. Jihyo was given the bundle of microphones. Her heart pounded really hard. She was silently wishing everything to go smoothly tonight.

She and her members bowed to the reporters before finally entering the event area. She walked with her unnies to their seats. She looked around and bit her bottom lip remembering that his group weren't invited tonight.

This was a 2 night ceremony and his group were invited for the 2nd day. Well, her group had a different schedule the next day too.

Her lips formed a straight line. The person who took their photos the other night may be present in the area and she wouldn't want any trouble. She wanted to see him but maybe this was for the better. It's always better to be safe than sorry. She smiled.

They changed into their stage outfits. The girls still looked very beautiful. They were wearing outfits in pastel pink and blue. They had performed two of their hit songs. She gave her all in their performance as always while enjoying it.

It was now time to announce the winners. The bonsang awards were up first. She knew a number of artists will be given this award.

Luckily, they were one of the first names to be announced as winners. Nayeon gave the gratitude speech.

Now, all artists gathered on stage and the daesang award, the night's grand award, was to be announced.

"The 31st Golden Disk Awards Digital Song of the Year Daesang goes to..." the presenter started.

She and her members were nervous but nevertheless, they were already thankful with what they had received.

"Chukahamnida, Twice!"

It felt surreal. A year ago they received the Best New Artists Award, and just a year after, they were given the daesang.

Dahyun and Mina covered their mouths in shock. She had a huge smile on her face and looked at Jihyo. She then clapped her hands as she couldn't contain her happiness.

They walked to the center of the stage and received the trophy and bouquet. Jihyo received the microphone.

"Hana, deul, set, one in a million, Twice~imnida," they introduced themselves led by Jihyo.

Jihyo was teary eyed while delivering her gratitude speech. Sana came in next and spoke in Japanese. She was then given the mic and made her speech in Chinese.

"Again, Once, thank you again for giving us strength to move forward. Thank you for giving us this award. We will work harder to become the best singer. Xie xie!" she then bowed. Her heart was filled with gratitude while delivering her speech. The other members then followed.

They then performed their encore stage and ended everything with a sweet group hug.

They went out for a celebratory dinner right after the award ceremony before heading home in their dorm.

She got off their van first as they arrived in their dorm. She furrowed her brows as she saw two figures in front of their dorm.

"Oppa?" she heard Mina who was right behind her. The two figures turned and faced them.

Both guys then walked closer to them. Jimin immediately wrapped Mina into a hug which Mina returned. He spread his arms wide, asking for a hug. She just scrunched her face and slightly shook her head.

All of them then went in the girls' dorm.

"What brought you here?" she asked him.

"Don't you want me here?" he pouted.

"Aninde!" she countered. He beamed at what she said and placed her arm on her shoulders.

"We're here to congratulate you!" Jimin announced showing them the cake the two guys had brought with them.

"Aigoo, gomawo," Mina sincerely thanked her boyfriend.

"Anything for my black swan," Jimin sincerely told Mina while holding and caressing Mina's face.

The other girls cleared their throats upon watching the cheesy lovebirds.

"Shall we open the cake?" Jeongyeon asked.

Momo opened the cake and placed candles on it. Sana then lit the candles.

"Chukahae!" everyone chorused before blowing the candles together.

"Gomawo," she thanked him. She had walked him out of the dorm. He leaned to give her a peck on the cheek.

"I'm sure you'll do great tomorrow!" she expressed referring to the award ceremony. He pat her head and nodded at her statement.

She stood frozen as she heard numerous camera clicks. Not again!

"Go inside!" he commanded. It didn't sink in yet but reality hit her hard after a few seconds. "Palli!" he commanded again. She nodded and ran inside her dorm.

She was catching her breath as she got inside the dorm. She looked through the window and saw him in the van already. Good thing, the guys asked their manager to pick them up.

"Tzuyu, gwenchana?" Nayeon asked.

"Unnie..." how will I say it?

AN: This is a work of fiction, based solely from the author's delusional mind. Please do leave a comment and tell me what you think. Rightful credits to the owners of every media used in this story.

Mianhae for being MIA the past week, I was actually sick the whole week.

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