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I was born into a life of comfort and warmth. There wasn't a single difficulty or flaw in my life besides the fact that I could never see the world outside my mansion. I was a girl isolated in her own little pink princess room; holding onto her fluffy teddy bear plush.

My caramel eyes sparkled with innocence, which probably made my parents keep me closer to them. I recall plenty of times where my mother would yell at me if I ever stepped farther than ten feet away from my house's perimeter. Or, when my father would call over doctors to check up on me when I fell sick. I never could visit the doctors or attend school; forget about going to shopping malls or parks too.

That was just the mundane, lonely world I was born into.

Yet, as I grew older and became more aware of my situation; I could no longer bare it. My curiosity and urge of adventure made me defy my parents back for the first time. I no longer wanted to be known as Aria de Marion, the imprisoned daughter of some musical composer and media actress. So, when I became the age of 18, I immediately left. Out of my home.

I wouldn't necessarily describe it as a feeling of freedom because I truly loved my parents and the comfort of my home, but dear oh dear; The feeling of wanting to be outside and meet other people other than your family is electric.

My parents couldn't stop me or tell me otherwise. They just had to accept what I had laid out for my future and they did. They sent me off to an university in Northern California by the name of West Charleston University of Technology and Arts. It's a somewhat expensive school in terms of average of income, but nonetheless, it's one of the best trade schools in the state.

A three hour flight was all it took for me to be faraway from my hometown. Everything that I ever knew, I left it all behind to discover what's ahead of me.

Settling in the university was nerve wrecking and I felt so awkward and shy amongst the large crowds of students. In my dormitory room, I had no room mate. My parents paid for a large, private living area in the university just so I could stay away from 'harm'. Yet, every night I felt a lot more vulnerable by myself laying in my bed alone.

So, I sought out for some room mates who'd accept anyone for no cost. Or at least, some bills that I could manage with my own money; not my parents.

That's when I met them, the reckless group of people who stirred my world into a spiral of craziness, laughter, and fun.

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