CHAPTER 8 | Evil You Know

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Minato turned around and around, open amazement on his face as he took in the features of the vast kamui dimension.

"A space-time ninjutsu," he said in awe.

"I figured you'd be able to figure it out in a second," Obito said, sounding resigned.

"How long have you been able to do this? What is this place?"

"Ever since I was captured," Obito spoke quicker as Minato approached Kabuto's camp. "I awakened my Sharingan, and this is one of the abilities it gave me. This is a pocket dimension that can only be reached using my power."

"But..." Minato pulled back the tent flap, only to stop to stare down in confusion at Kabuto, who was about to walk out. "A-ah. Hello."

"Hello," Kabuto said a bit shyly, pushing up his glasses. After a beat, he added, "It didn't go well, did it? But at least no one got hurt, as far as I can tell."

Minato turned to look questioningly at Obito again.

"See, there's a lot more to it than this place," Obito said. "To cut it really short, I can sometimes travel to other dimensions besides ours, and that's where these two come from. The glasses kid is Kabuto, and to cut another story short, he lives here. Makes sense so far?"

"It is hard to accept, but yes," Minato said, scratching the back of his head.

"Okay, so here's what happened yesterday. I brought Naruto into this place—I call it my Kamui dimension." Obito pointed at Naruto, who looked wary at suddenly having all eyes on him. He had been too busy noticing the similarities between Minato's mannerisms and his own.

"The problem is," Obito continued, "I can't take him back home no matter how hard I try. It's really complicated, but after he got here here I just... couldn't find his world again. I thought I might be able to sense it to send him back, sort of like one of your seals. We met before, so I wanted to see if I could... that's another long story." Obito gave a frustrated sound and shook his head. "Anyway, Naruto is usually a loudmouth. He's only being quiet around you because it might be hard for him to go back home, even if we find a way to."

"You're the one who wanted to keep the dimensional thing a secret," Naruto said, more loudly than was necessary. "I was trying to let you handle it, asshole."

"So what you're saying is these two come from alternate dimensions... different realities?"

"Yeah. Different worlds," Obito said. "I know it's not easy to believe. But we wanted to ask if you have an idea how I could get Naruto back to his own place."

"I don't know." Minato shook his head slowly. "I've never heard of space-time jutsu powerful enough to visit other planes of reality. This is beyond anything I've ever imagined." He studied Naruto again, looking more curious than hostile now. "Did you end up here accidentally? How did Obito bring you into our world?"

Naruto answered with a bit of verbal stumbling. "Uh, well, I was the marker and that's how he could get there. But since I'm here now, he can't find it anymore. It was something like that 'ttebayo."

Minato raised a brow. Naruto wasn't sure what Obito was trying to do, but it was obvious a huge puzzle piece was missing from their story. But if Minato saw it, he chose not to comment. He just shook his head with an admirable level of calm.

"If it works the same way my Hiraishin does, a marker is necessary to land in the right place. There is a very short landing range around that point, so where I end up is pretty much the exact spot. But that's only if it works the same way." Minato looked around at the kamui dimension again. "I wouldn't be so sure it does. Obito has one of my markers on him, but I can't sense it when he's here. Now I understand what was so confusing before. There are other versions of myself out there, and that's why Obito has a seal I don't remember giving him."

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