Fort Night

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Josh crouched over, finishing up building a pretty impressive looking pillow fort.

It hadn't been his first time making one, but he had never put so much effort into making one before. Standing back up straight, he took a small step back to scan over the fort.

It looked like it could have withstood a major earthquake and was decorated with cute stuffed animals.

His eyes quickly checked the cat clock on his wall, 5:37 PM. He still had time to take a shower if he hurried.


Slipping into a loose tie-dye shirt and shorts, Joshua skipped over to his kitchen where he pulled out a jar of Nutella.

His eyes scanned the pantry, his hair was still dripping wet, the small pitter patter of water drops falling onto his tiled floor made him anxious for the night to come.

Before he could close the red pantry door, he heard knocking on his apartment door.

Not expecting this, he jolted slightly in surprise before rushing over to the door.
Swinging the door open, he was greeted by a boy in a red shirt and a black visor.

"Hello!" He held a bag in his arms that contained the pizza Josh had ordered earlier.

Without saying a word, Josh pulled out his wallet. It was completely covered in pictures of kittens, Tyler got him it on his 27th birthday.

It was a cute scene. At exactly 12 AM Tyler shoved a little box into Josh's chest. The box had Christmas gift wrapping around it, and a bow that was bigger than the box itself.

It was typical for Tyler to do silly things like that, especially for birthdays.

Pulling out a wrinkled up twenty dollar bill, Josh handed it to the boy quickly. "Thanks man!" He exclaimed, handing a box of lukewarm pizza over to the drummer.

Before Josh could say anything back, the kid rushed away down the hall.

Setting the box down on his counter, Josh opened up his stainless steel fridge and retrieved a clear plastic container filled with cut up fruit that he had bought at the store.

Taking all of the food in his arms, he carefully laid out everything in the fort, along with two spoons for the Nutella and his laptop for movies.

A few days prior, Tyler brought up the idea of having a movie night. It wasn't considered a date, neither of them had ever believed that they could ever make a move.

But, Josh was definitely considering it a date. He had a good feeling about that night. Once he finished making the fort and all of its contents inside, he heard faint knocking on his door.

Taking a deep breath in, Josh readied himself for the night. As he strided over to the door, he fluffed his almost fully dry hair, trying to make himself presentable.

His hand clutched onto the ice cold doorknob and he slowly opened up the door.

"Hey man!" Tyler exclaimed, walking into the apartment right away. "I was looking through Netflix before I came over and...." Josh wasn't listening to a single thing his friend was yapping about.

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