Author's Note

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I don't even know that "Author's note" is the right name for what I'm about to write. Because I don't know what to write.

I'm an Indian and I fully experience the problems every girl does if she's an Indian.

Judged? Fooled? Bullied? Stopped? Dependent? Prisoned?

All of it, honey.

I'm sixteen with super excited hormones at the present. whispers *I'm super horny*

I'm in tenth standard.
I like writing, singing, playing guitar, sketching and studying.

I like making out shapes from meaningless clouds.

I don't like watching TV at all!!

I'm an extremely confused teenager and I know my distraction very well. But unable to get away from them.

I was a whatsapp addict, so I deactivated whatsapp. I was an instagram addict, so I deleted instagram. I was a phone addict, so I neatly packed my phone, sim, memory card in a box and handed it to Mumma. But then, I am the one who has 3 fake accounts on insta, secretly uses hike and other messengers and sneak to my mom's room to use my phone.

I suck at sports. All the sports.
I like watching football.
Barca girl forever!
And a Neymatzete!

I've got two best buddies, Isha and Ria. (If you have read my story 'Un-Perfect', which is based on my real life incident, the protagonist has 2 friends called Isha and Ria.)

Yep, you saw what I did there? I just shamelessly advertised my own book.

And and and...

Yeah, I'm a feminist.

And if I'm missing something, you'll probably get to know about it if you keep scrolling!

Yes. I just indirectly asked you to keep reading this book. So, do that.

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