So, what now?

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Let's begin

Tamaki's POV

I never could have expected to have gotten my dear little Haruhi pregnant. I love her no matter what of course but I don't know how I will survive her father's wrath or how the lady's at the host Club will react, not to mention Haruhi will have to reveal her true gender to the rest of the highschool. This is... Unexpected.

"Senpai?" she looked at up at me with her big brown beautiful eyes.

"Don't worry Haruhi, I love you no matter what." I held her hand and that soon led into a meaningful embrace as I heard the cries of my beloved.

"I-I thought you were going to leave me Tamaki." she clenched onto the back of my shirt as her cries got even louder.

"Haruhi! You know I'd never do that to you, I'll love you no matter what happens." I kissed her forehead and ran my hands through her short black hair.

"what will we do now?" she asked the bravest and hardest question and I looked down at my shoes.

"W-well..." she looked up at me desperate for any sort of answer. "We will have to tell both of our parents about the news and the rest of the host Club then... We take it from their." we both cringed a little at the thought of this but we soon came to an agreement.

"W-we should start with my father, you know deal with the most difficult one first." I nodded and she clenched her fists and pressed them into her thigh I soon held them and gave her a sincere smile.

"HARUHI I'M HOOOOME!" I heard the familiar voice of my favorite transvestite. Haruhi and I gave each other a weak smile and stood up.

"Dad." Haruhi said in a weak yet serious tone of voice. "T-Tamaki and I have s-somthing to tell you." and in an instant he gave me a death glare that could pierce right through my head.

"Yes?" he came to the couch to sit down with us as he held Haruhis hand.

"I'm preg-" he cut her off as he already new what she was going to say.

"HARUHI YOUR PREGNANT!!!!!" He stood up and twirled around the living room beaming with excitement. "Although I wish it would have been with that man with glasses (Kyoya Senpai) you'll do too sweetheart." he looked at me with an unusual amount of approval.

"S-so your okay?" Haruhi said weakly.

"Oh Haruhi I would love you even if you murdered 14 people sweetie!" that seemed like an oddly specific amount of people but I was still glad that he was so happy about the upcoming news.

"Oh thank you so much!" She stood up and hugged her dad and he twirled her around,while I sat their rather awkwardly.

"Well dad, Tamaki and I have to go and tell some other people about this I'll stay in touch!" she grabbed my hand and led me out the door.

"Bye Mr. Suzumiya!" We exchanged waves as I was dragged out the door.

"Wow Senpai! That went so well." she held my hand as we walked towards where I thought was a super market.

"Yes, it did. Um Haruhi? Where are we going?" She looked at me and laughed.

"Huh? OH! I guess I'm so used to going to the supermarket with you!" she laughed a little scratched the back of her neck.

"Oh that's funny, yeah I asked the driver to park around here somewhere... OH this way Haruhi!" I grabbed her hand and led her down the block.

"Hello Mr-" I cut him off, "Yes yes, please take me and my girlfriend Haruhi back to the house please." She waved awkwardly towards him before I pulled inside her inside the car."

"Jeez Tamaki that was kinda rude don't you think?" he looked at my with his hand under his chin and pointed outside to the girl that was outside who was obviously fawning over Tamaki and I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"So princess should we go to my house now?" I asked her intently and she nodded blushing. I held her hand as she rested her head on my shoulder through the remainder of the car ride.

"I love you Haruhi."

"I love you too Senpai."

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