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The next day, Steph worked through her lunch so she could get out by five. She only ran into Mike once, and she found an excuse to quickly get away.

She was in the shower when Michelle and Lexi arrived. The children ran to play in Marcel’s room.

Michelle sat on the toilet. “How was your day out with John?”

“Fine. We saw dolphins.” Steph grinned widely at the memory as she wrapped herself in a fluffy blue towel. She peered at herself in the mirror. “Ugh! I’m breaking out! Can you grab my clean and clear stuff out of the top dresser drawer?”

“Your servant, milady,” Michelle grumbled teasing, but she got up. “You know, John is a real sweetie. He’s done so much for you,” she called over her shoulder.

“Why don’t you go out with him then?” Steph shot back.

“Gingers aren’t my type. “Michelle found the astringent, and began to shut the drawer when an envelope caught her eye. She saw the return address and gasped. “Jon Knight!” She glanced at the bathroom, and quickly opened the letter. She read it hurriedly. It was dated 1997, and it was obvious from its contents that Jon had known nothing about the twins. “I’m gonna check on the kids!” She yelled. She ran out to the living room and grabbed her purse. As she scribbled down Jon’s number, she told herself that it was for Steph’s own good.

She hurried back to the bedroom, shoved the letter back into the drawer, and went to the bathroom with the clean and clear. “Here you go,” she said.

“Are they behaving?” Steph asked as she blow-dried her hair.

“As much as can be expected. I’ll wait in the living room.” 

It seemed to Michelle as if the night lasted forever. She finally brought Lexi home and practically forced her into bed. She pulled Jon’s number out of her purse and stared at the phone. She finally picked it up and dialed. A woman’s voice answered.


“Mrs. Knight, you don’t know me, but I’m an old friend of Jon’s. My name is Michelle, and I really need to talk to him. Is there any way I can get in contact with him?”

The woman paused. “Oh, I guess it’s all right. He’s here right now. One moment.” Michelle heard her grumble, “How many girls did he give this number to?”

“Hello?” A male voice said. Michelle was struck dumb for a moment. That voice reminded her of so much…of David …Jordan. “Hello?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Jon, this is Michelle Scott. I mean, you know me as Michelle Harris. Do you remember me?”

“Of course I remember you! Michelle! How are you?”

“I’m fine. Listen, Jon, I’m sorry to bother you, but I found your number at Steph’s house. Something important has happened, and I really need your help.” She groaned inwardly. She hated begging Jon Knight for anything.

“Michelle? Stephie stopped writing to me years ago! Is she all right?” He was instantly concerned.
“She’s fine, Jon. I know it’s a lot to ask, but is there any way you could fly down here for a day or two? I need to talk to you in person.”

“I would fly to the ends of the earth to help you!” Jon declared. “We’re in luck, though. I have to be in Philadelphia on Wednesday for a real estate promotion thing. I can fly in by he paused for a moment and she heard shuffling tomorrow morning.”

Michelle was elated. “Thank you so much, Jon.” She gave him directions to her house from the airport. “I’d better warn you, though. It’s going to be a real shock.” 

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