As she walked to her car, she tried desperately to get the conversation with Michelle out of her mind. She always tried to make it seem as if Jordan Knight was past history, but truthfully, she missed him so much it hurt, even after almost a decade.

Her mind wandered as she drove. They had only had a few months together, but Jordan was her one true love, and she could never forget him. The last time she had seen him was the summer’s end, in 1993. He promised he’d call every week, and visit as often as possible. The calls dwindled, and he never visited. The last phone call came on her
18th birthday, in February of 1994 her senior year. She was six months pregnant by then, but still hadn’t told him.
She wanted to share the news with him in person. He promised to come for Christmas, but the holidays came and went without word for him. Steph’s wish for her birthday that year   was to make a life for herself and her baby, a life without Jordan Knight. In May, she delivered twins: Marcel Jonathan, and Jordan Marcella.

As Steph took the exit to me 95, Joe McIntyre’s new solo hit came on the radio. She had to smile. Jon had tried to keep in touch, and he had called and written often. She finally stopped communicating with him in 1996. She was afraid he’d want to visit, and then he’d find out about the twins and tell Jordan. In his last letter to her, Jon gave his mother’s phone number, saying she could always reach him there, if she ever needed anything. There had been many times she could have used his help, but pride kept her from calling. She had struggled on her own, with the help of her mother and sister, and friends like Michelle. They watched the twins while she did nursing aid jobs during the day, and took EMT classes at night and some weekends.

As she pulled into the parking lot of the hospital where she worked, she realized how lucky she had been. She had a great job she loved, a nice home, and two great second graders she loved more than life itself. No, she didn’t need Jordan Knight and all his money. She was doing just fine without him.

She dug her keys out of her large bag and let herself into the large three-story building that housed her employer, one of the largest departments in the city of Philadelphia.

As she walked to her desk, she noticed that a few of her squad were in, but she didn’t see any other supervisors. Her willingness to come in for a few hours on the weekend was one of the reasons she had come so far so quickly.

She stopped at the vending machine to pick up a few Cherry Pepsis, then hurried to catch up on trip sheets and emails. Fifteen minutes later, she was typing away at her PC. When she stopped to check a few patient particulars, a framed picture caught her eye. She smiled and picked it up to study it more closely. It was a picture of the twins at six years old, with their younger cousins, Donna   and Breanna. The contrast between her twins and her sister’s children always amused her. Donna and Breanna were blond with bright blue eyes, while   Marcel and Jordan had the dark hair and eyes of their father.

She frowned and returned the picture to its spot on the desk. Maybe they did need to know who their father was. Maybe Michelle was right. Maybe…

“Penny for your thoughts, or is it a nickel now, with inflation?” A voice shook her out of her reverie.

She looked up to see Nick standing in the doorway. One of the newest newest emts in the department, Nick often requested Steph as his partner, and they worked well together.

He leaned his 6’4” frame against her doorway, and tried to look stern. “I thought I forbade you to come in here today!” His green eyes twinkled at her.

“I thought you were going to the Poconos to go skiing!” She shot back. “Besides, I have plans Monday night, and need to be out of here on time.”

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