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Hello once again, everyone! So as per usual I went on hiatus because I'm attempting to not flunk out my junior year. I feel part of the reason for the frequent absences is because I'm trying to continue stories I started months/years ago? And that's really rough because my writing style has not only changed but has also developed from when I started this account. I would still love to write fics. Its just extremely difficult to go on with ideas from so long ago. If there's a fic you really want to see me continue, you can leave it in the comments and I'll consider it. Otherwise, there will be no third part to Stri-Do's and Dont's and there will be no sequel to Kill Me Romanitically. At least not at the moment, so as of now, both of those are discontinued. I will not delete any of my works, but most of them are unlikely to be finished. Thank you for being so understanding and supportive and, as I said before, if you desperately want an end to one of the stories, let me know and maybe I'll think about it. Much love, all.


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