Chapter Three

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Audrey's POV:
The next day before the date, my best friend, Ashleigh, showed up at my house after I phoned her. "I'm here to help your fashion crisis!" She declared when she came over and I rolled my eyes. Ashleigh became my best friend in college and we both moved to New York after we graduated. We both went straight to my room, and I opened my closet. We started looking through all my formal stuff, and took out this purple dress. "This looks good." She says and I nod. "I'll wear it. Let me grab the shoes." I say and grab my black shoes. I go into the bathroom to get ready, I come out after I do my hair. "You look amazing!" Ashleigh said and I smiled. "Thanks. Now, I have to go meet Danny." Ashleigh left after saying goodbye, and I started walking towards the restaurant. On the way there, I notice a shop window selling these little Beatle bottle heads. I stand there for a few minutes until a familiar voice comes up behind me. "The bottle heads make my own nose looks bigger than my head." I turn around, and it was Ringo. "Hey. What are you doing?" I ask and he shrugs. "Just walking around. What about you?"
"I have a date." I say and I look at the window again. "A date? With who?" Ringo asks. "My old high school friend, Danny. Why? Are you jealous?" I say teasingly. He rolls his eyes. "Of course not. Paul might be, though." I give him a confused look. "Why?" I ask. "He talks about you a lot, you know." Ringo says.
"He does? What does he say about me?"
"He says you're amazing and that he's glad that you guys are friends again. I think he likes you." Ringo says. "Oh, well he's sweet. Tell him and the mates I said hello, I should probably get going." I say and Ringo smiles. "See ya!" I give him a friendly smile and start walking towards the restaurant. I meet Danny about five minutes later, and we head inside the restaurant. We take our seats, and he smiles at me. "So, Audrey. Tell me what's been going on." He says and I reply, "Well, I went to Harvard and my dad died last year... That's pretty much it." He shakes his head. "There has to be some more stuff than that." Honestly, there wasn't. I like to live in the shadows, so nothing exciting really happens. "No, that's pretty much it. What about you?" I and he shrugs. "Well, I went to NYU, I just got out of a relationship, and I've been to Asia." "What happened in the relationship?" I ask. "She moved." He replies and I frown. "I'm sorry." I say and he smiles. "It's ok."

After dinner, Danny walks me home. "That was fun." He says and I smile. "Yeah, it was." Danny takes my hand and starts to talk again. "We should do this again sometime. Don't you think?" He ask and I shrug. "Sure." Danny smiles at me. "Audrey, can I ask you something?" He asks. "Sure." I say. Danny looks down at the ground, and asks, "Will you be my girlfriend?" I nod. "Yes, I will." Danny gives me a kiss on the cheek and leaves. I walk inside, and the first thing I do is call Paul.

I pick up the phone that is next to the couch, and sit down. I dial Paul's number, and he answers. "Hello?"
"Paul! It's Audrey." I say. "Oh. Hello, Audrey!" He replies in his cute British accent. "Guess what!" I say. Paul thinks for a while, before he speaks into the phone again. "I can't think of anything. What is it?" "I got a boyfriend!" I say.

Paul's POV:
"I got a boyfriend!" Audrey says over the phone, and I'm left in shock. "Who is it?" I say, trying not to make my voice sound shaky. "His names Danny. He works on the Ed Sullivan show." She says. I sigh. "Well, I'm happy for you. He seems nice." I am happy for her- I just feel crushed and jealous. You see, Audrey has been on my mind ever since she moved, and ever since I met her again, I started to fall in love with her. It sounds silly, because I have been reunited with her for a few days, but it's not like I'm in love with a total stranger. I know Audrey. We talk for another ten minutes, until Audrey decides to go to sleep. She hangs up the phone, and I just sit there on the couch. I put my face in my hands, and try not to be too frustrated. John walks into the room, and puts his hand on my shoulder. "You okay, Paulie?" He asks and I look up at him. "Not really." He sighs. "It's about Audrey." He says and I nod. "Yep." I say quietly, and he takes a seat next to me. "What happened?" He asks and I frown. "She got a boyfriend." John sighs. "I'm sorry, Paul. But, don't let it get to your head. They will break up. Who's she dating, anyway?" He asks. "Danny, from the studio." I answer and he rolls his eyes. "He's a dirtbag. I heard he cheated on his ex, but he's telling everybody that she just moved away." John says and I look at him. "Really?" I ask and he nods. "Yep. But you didn't hear it from me! Now, get some rest. It's late." John walks off and I sigh. He's right. They will break up... I hope.

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