Chapter 2

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Look out for the words: edifying and rambunctious.

After your 'friend' had run off, you quickly went to your home. You felt anger bubbling inside of you as you threw open the door to your room, slamming it shut. You stomped over to your bed, easily shoving it to the side.

When the bed hit the wall opposite of it, the sound of gears sputtered to life as the floor that was once beneath the bed reeled back and opened to show a staircase. You rushed down the stairs, jaw set as your eyes twitched.

Your breathing had become heavy as you slammed into the door at the bottom. You knocked it off its hinges as you raced inside. "No!" you finally shrieked, shoving a table to the side in a pure fit of rage.

You slowly lost your energy, sinking to your knees as tears began to trail down your cheeks.

"Why?" you gasped out as you lifted your hands and buried your face in them. "It just had to be her."

You sat there on the floor for a moment, your mind racing while you felt deflated. You shifted off your knees so you sat on your behind. You dropped your hands, slumping over with a whimper. "Activate charge."

The sounds of whirring machines kicked up as soon as the last sound left your mouth. You would have felt victory for the workimg of the machines had it not been for the fact that the person you trusted was the person your crush liked.

You reluctantly lifted yourself up, moving over to the control box attached to the wall. You wiped your hand, which was wet from your tears, against your pants before opening the metal box. You paused, staring at the contents inside for a moment.

Three picture frames sat on the bottom, underneath the lever that would activate the machine you had been working all night on.

You reached a shaking hand to grab one of the frames, running a finger longingly over the glass protector. Your breath hitched as you felt your blood boil again. You slammed the frame down, letting it leave your fingers.

You reached up and grabbed the lever, listening as the frame shattered against the ground. You yanked the switch down. The other two frames shook with the force you used as your whirled around to look at the wall opposite of you.

There sat a suit. It was similar to Wordgirl's, except it was missing the symbol on the chest and had different coloring. Instead of the reds, it was colored gray, and in the place of the yellow symbol was a white circle with a tilted hourglass inside.

You stopped, narrowing your eyes slightly. "Why is my outfit like that? Isn't this is reader insert can't I chose the colors anf symbol?"

Not only are we trying to be edgy, but who knows what kind of shit readers can come up with. I'm not taking that fucking risk.

You blinked in surprise, wildly searching around for the strange voice that just spoke. You harshly rubbed your eyes and shook your head, as if that would change anything.

You waited for something else to happen, but when it stayed silently with only the so un of the machinery echoing, you hesitantly made your way to the outfit waiting.

Your heart began racing as you reached out, gripping the fabric between your fingers. A smile made its way to your face as you quickly pulled the suit out of its waiting place.

Just as you were about to pull the suit on, a harsh knock came from above. You dropped thesterial, eyes darting up to the ceiling. You listened, slowly stepping back towards the staircase.

The sound of the floorboards creaking had you immediately raced up the wood, stumbling with every step. You tripper on the last step, which resulted a gash to grace your skin. You didn't react as you staggered up. You slammed a hand against your pocket, pressing the button to close the hatch. You flung yourself to your bed, shoving it back to its original place. You collapsed onto the mattress, panting heavily as a knock came at your door.

"Y/n? There's a friend here to see you."

You lazily lifted your head, taking sharp intakes of air as you finally looked down at your wound. You hissed at the unruly sight. "Hold on a minute!"

"I'll send her up and tell to wait until you're ready for her to come in."

You nodded your head, even though you knew you couldn't be seen. You waited until you couldn't hear anything from behind the door before standing up and limping towards your dresser. You opened one of the drawers, taking out a bandage and peroxide.

You dripped some of the liquid onto your gash, gasping in pain. You then raced to put the bandage on, clenching your teeth together. A knock then came at your door, so you hurriedly stood up and staggered to the door. You ignored the pain as you opened the door, forcing a smile onto your face.

"Violet?" you asked, confused at the sight of the blonde girl in front of you. "What are you doing here?"

The girl smiled at you as she pulled out a rubber ball from her pocket and held it out to you. "I thought you might like a bouncy ball. I was going to bring a toy robot, but I thought that might have been a little rambunctious."


"Oh, it's a word Becky taught me. Rambunctious means something like over the top and very extra. Kind of like rowdy preschoolers."

You grabbed the ball with a confused expression, but decided not to question it. After all, it was best not to question anything Violet did. "Thanks, Violet. I'll see you at school then."

Violet nodded with a smile, turning and happily walking away. You watched her leave as you shoved the ball into you pocket. You slowly took a step back, closing the door and turning back to the bed.

You whinced at the site of dark liquid staining not only the sheets, but the ground as well. You glanced down at your bandaged cut, seeing the white material already a dark red.

A sigh left your lips as you trudged back to your bed, agonizgly pushing the bed away. You pulled out the remote and pushing the button, listening to the gears grinding as the hatch opened once again. You practically fell down the stairs, your breathing growing heavier with each passing moment.

Once you finally got down, you spotted the suit back in the spot where you first found it. It took you a moment to process the thought, your eyes going wide as realization hit you.

However, you didn't have enough time to question it before you were forced to kneel down with a moan of pain. You hunched over, pulling your leg to rest flat against the wood. "This sure isn't edifying."

I have reason to believe you aren't using that word correctly.

"I feel like I am dying. I could care less about whether I am using it  correctly or not," you hissed to the being above right before you forced yourself to lay down on the ground, wheezing in agony. "Tell me what it mean when I wake up."

You then closed your eyes and passed out.

I regret my life.

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