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No, I couldn't, but then again, why were my feet taking me there without my intentions? Why did I write a note to my father, one that he won't find until he sobers up? Why did I log off my computer forever, deleting my life from anywhere I could? Why didn't I tell my best friend that I may be on my way to death? Because I couldn't, yet I am.

My feet splash in the small puddles on the bridge by the river. My feet guide me through the peppering of the rain, splashing slightly on my cheeks. I am walking, trying to stop myself, I am not the one doing this, the demons are, until I come to a stop. Surprised, I thought I had won the war, until I pivoted on toes to face the rocky river.

"No!" I screamed out, but my cries were drowned out by the passing cars, and the noisy river below me.

I place my hands on the side of the bridge and push myself try to push myself away from the edge. To the people around me I probably looked like a freak on drugs, but I couldn't stop myself. Eventually my hands turned against me, pushing my whole body up on the ledge.

'You have one minute.' My mind tells me.

One minute for what? To remember my life, have it flash before my eyes like they always say it does? To wish it could have ended better, wish to have found someone who loves me?

'30 seconds.'

"No!" I scream out again, the tears streaking my face, as the rain helps it burr my sight.

'Three, Two, O-'

My mind is caught up when someone wraps their arms around my waist pulling me down and away from the side.

"What the hell?!" the man yells at me. "What do you think you're doing!"

He lets go of my waist and puts a grip on my shoulders turning me around to face him. His hazel eyes bore into mine and my eyes shoot down to the ground, guilty. I could not tell him, he would just think I am crazy, some sort of lunatic.

After a few moments I take a chance with my luck and look back up into his eyes, which have softened quite a bit. I use the palms of my hands to wipe the tears from my eyes, suddenly feeling embarrassed from looking a fright in front of the overly attractive man.

If I wasn't so exhausted I would have taken off and ran somewhere else, but I felt tired, and my feet felt as if they were nailed to the ground.

"I don't know how I would have coped if you had jumped." He tells me softly, breathing heavier than I was.

I can't convince myself to stop crying. This guy saved my life, but I didn't know how to tell him thank you. However, at the same time I was angry, for at this moment in time I could have been gone and my troubles could have been erased.

"What's your name?" he asks me.

"Jessa." I choke, feeling another hot tear roll down my cheek.

"I'm Ashton." He replies, looking deep into my tear pooled eyes. And at that moment, I knew that he would be important, without even knowing his last name.

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