"Earth to Ali," Imran snapped his fingers in front of my face and I blinked, my thoughts vanishing like a puff of smoke. With wide eyes, I looked towards Imran. "Dude, you startled me." he narrowed his eyes at me and leaned in closer to have a better look. "You've been spacing out a lot," he remarked.

Then a smile spread on his face and he gave me a teasing look. "Is it because you can't stop thinking about her?" I gave him a smug grin. "Even if I was, I wouldn't tell you."

He just laughed in response.
"By the way, you never told me that Anisa was your aunt." I said to him. He shrugged and put his hands in his pockets. "I didn't know you knew her. If I did, I would've brought it up. And who would've thought that you were going to marry her? Honestly, I still can't believe that my friend is my 17 year old aunt's husband." he looked amazed as he said that.

"I can't believe it myself." I told him, chuckling a little. He started laughing again. "Of course you can't. You never thought you could get a girl like her right? She's way too good for you." His teasing tone returned and I rolled my eyes playfully "Oh please. It's the opposite actually. You're lucky to have such a cool Khalu (Aunt's husband)".
As soon as I said that, realization dawned upon me and I looked at Imran. "That sounded so weird." I stated to which Imran nodded in agreement. "I'm not ready to accept you as my Khalu. Not yet." Both of us shared a look of mutual understanding.

"Anyway, are we going to stand here for the rest of the night or are you going to introduce me to your relatives?" I asked.

Imran quickly nodded. "Yeah, I totally forgot about that," he said. "Come on then, Khalu ji." he smirked at me. I shook my head at him in disbelief. "I thought you said you weren't ready to accept me yet." I reminded him. He nodded, his smirk still stuck to his face.

"I did but it's way too much fun to tease you." he started walking and I took that as an indication to follow him. We laughed as we walked down the small corridor, talking and making fun of each other like we always did. It was then that I noticed.

Imran was a lot like Anisa. Especially the way he moved his hands while he talked. I also noticed his lips were like hers too to an extent. Suddenly, my train of thought led me somewhere else and I was lost in my own world again.

By then, Imran had already taken me to the men's room where we were sitting. Imran started attending to his relatives, his cousins and others, and I just sat there with my head swirling with thoughts about one and one person alone.


Oh Allah. Everything about her was starting to look more beautiful. Her hands and her eyes. It was like it was the only thing I could think of. The way she bit her strawberry pink lips made shivers rush through my body and controlling myself was almost painful. Her every move moved something inside me and all I wanted was to get closer to her. I wanted to see her cute expressions and her furious face when her nose would turn red. I wanted to feel her as well.
But I knew I was stupid to think that.

I already had girls waiting in a line for me. All of them better than the other. Easy to get and pretty hot. Getting one into my bed wasn't a problem for me but of course I knew I wouldn't go that far. The feelings I were having for Anisa were strong and I knew that if I couldn't get her then I had to distract myself. Honestly, I was a helpless case.
I was starting to think of someone who was totally out of my reach despite being right there in front of me.


I blinked.

"This is Musa bhai." Imran shook me out of my trance once again. I looked at him, confused for a second. After realizing what he had just said, I nodded once acknowledging the brown haired, dark eyed man who was sitting on the sofa across me.

"Nice to meet you." I said to him casually as soon as I recovered. He smiled at me. "The pleasure is all mine. I was really excited to meet the young man Uncle Malik chose for our precious Anisa. And now that I'm here, I must say, I'm quite satisfied."

"Thank you," For some reason, I started feeling anxious. Finally out of my thoughts about Anisa, a realization hit me. I looked around the room and saw all the people sitting there. I could see Asma Baji's husband, Salman sitting far away.

Every person in the room glanced at me every once in a while before leaning in to talk to each other. My frown deepened. Something was out of place.
I was weirdly, the center of attention. Like everyone was judging me. I then looked to Imran and he gave an assuring look.

Then it dawned upon me.
The very purpose of the dinner was to meet the newly Wed couple. And if those people were Anisa's relatives, then it meant all of them were there to see me. To check me out. And to approve of me.

I groaned inwardly.

This was going to be rough.

My husband, My bully (Complete✔️) Where stories live. Discover now