Ha, what am I saying? I've drank too much in the past two hours. I can't even think straight. I don't miss Khloe. I don't really give a damn if I see her, just as long as Luke keeps his hands off her, we'll be good.

  I quickly ate my meal, talking to Liam in the process. Anything to keep my thoughts off of her. I don't want her for anthing else other than a fun time. She just looks like a girl who would be good in bed. Plus the fact that she's so innocent and pure just makes her more intriguing. More wanting.


  "Niall! Hey, man!", Zak walked over towards me along with Zayn. "How 'ya been?", Zak asked, slapping my back.

  I smiled and headed into the empty frat house with them. Damn, I missed this place. It even looks better than last year, more kept up and open for even more people.

  "I've been good! How are you guys?" I missed them all so much. Even though I'm from Ireland, it never felt as much as home as this place did with all of them. Zak, Zayn, Harry, Louis, and Collin. Us six, all in this damn house. Last year was the best. Mine and Harry's sophomore year.

  My brother used to go here a few years ago. He was king of the frats, king of parties. Everything. He ruled this damn place my freshman year and his senior. Once he left, I was left to set the standards my sophomore year. That's when I moved in and met the boys. My boys. No matter what, we've always got each others backs. And hell, I think we've done one hell of a job keeping the streets alive, and the standards high. No doubt. Everyone knows us. Even the little shitty colleges around here.

  "Eh, could be better. We miss ya in here with us man!" Zayn replied this time. "When do you get your lame ass off of door probation?"

  I chuckled and took a seat on the old couch. Can't even count how many times I've had a girl come completely undone under me right here. "Next semester I'll be back in here with ya." I replied, rolling my eyes at this "rule".

  But then again, I should just be lucky my father got my ass back here. Oh wait, he only did that because he didn't want it to look bad on his part. 'My son's a college delinquent who got suspended for pounding a kid until near death' Fuck him.

  "Hell yes! Horan's back!" We all turned to see Collin and his girlfriend walking down the stairs. I smiled and stood up, giving him a manly hug. I gave Emily a hug as well, and she kissed my cheek, ruffling my hair a bit. I smiled and sat back down, Collin and Emily taking a seat also.

   Louis and Collin are really the only ones who have settled with a girl out of us six. Louis was quick to snag Eleanor. But I don't blame him, she's hot as hell. And then Collin was next, singling out Emily before anyone had even devoured her innocence. She'd be a nice run other wise, but I actually have respect for them and their girls. These boys are my family. The only ones I've got, so we take care of eachother.

  Luke, however, is an exception. He's a newbie to the house this year. I'm not technically considered part of the frant anymore since the incident that happened last year, but that doesn't mean he can just come in and swipe my place out from beneath me.

  Sure, he's pretty chill and cool to hang with, but I wouldn't consider him part of my family yet. That's a place that has to be earned. That bond. I don't trust easy, and I don't have friends. I've got my brothers and that's all I need.

  Sure I'm known well around the different schools, but that doesn't mean everyone who knows me is a friend or that I even know them. I'm known well by my huge parties that I throw, not by knowing people. I could give a shit less about them.

  "Yeah, I'm back! And I'm ready to party!", I laughed as everyone cheered. Hell yeah, Horan is back and ready to fuck shit up!

Khloe's POV*

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now