Thieves (Jaudrey)

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-Audrey's POV-
So our business started and it was great! Lots of people buys stuff from here, it's a one stop shop actually, Mal even sells her art here, today was our break and Jay and I were walking around, "Auds, are you curious of life on the isle?" He asked, "A little, Maleficent tells us what it's like so, I know stuff" I replied, "Ohhh, did she mentioned us?" He asked, "She mentioned you before, told me you were a great guy" She said and winked, "I am great, for stealing" He chuckled, "Well tell me then, while you were 'evil' and here at Auradon, what stuff did you stole?" I asked, "Well I stole food, stole phones, stole Evie's mirror, only because I needed to look at myself, Doug's glasses, Mal's spell book, Ben's clothes, and don't hate me, but I stole two things from you" He said, "WHAT DID YOU STEAL FROM ME?!" I asked, yelled actually, "Hey chill, I didn't actually steal the first one, you left it!" He then handed me my Bow, it  was gone since the Coronation Party! "Jay, you kept it? Why?" I asked, "Well, I had a crush on you since we came here, you know, foxy" he smirked, "then what's the other one?" I asked, all he did was smile, "I stole something from you and you stole something from me, that's all what I'll say, I love you Auds" he then kissed the top of my head then dashed away, what did I stole from him? Days passed and he never told me what it was, we agreed that we'll have the wedding  early, and it was tomorrow! I'm getting married with the 'Prince of Thieves' I gotta get ready.

-Jay's POV-
I'm getting married! And to the 'Sleeping Beauty Jr' of Auradon, I can't sleep, 12 hours and she'll be mine, officially.

*7 hours later*
(Still Jay's POV)
Five hours to prepare, I was in our dorm preparing, my best man was Carlos and my groomsmen were Doug, Ben, Chad, Parker, Josh, Holden and Joey, this is the first time I got nervous! The first time! "Bro chill, stop pacing!" Chad yelled, "He's right you know! The more you think the more you get nervous" Ben added, "Thanks guys, now I can chill, you're right" I then relaxed, well, let's just wait.

-Audrey's POV-
Aaahhhhhh! I'm getting married! I was pacing back and forth, "Audrey, chill, please, let me do your make up now" Evie said, "and I'll do your hair after" Liv added, "Hey guys, Maddie and I will just check the reception, then Jane and Lonnie will check the cathedral" Mal said, "Sure, how about Andie and Willow?" I asked, "They're getting your dress" Maddie said, "Okay" I replied, "Just relax, you'll be fine" Evie said, "She's right" Liv added, well I should relax.

-Jay's POV-
I was waiting for her, then there she goes, looking as beautiful as ever.

Jay's Vows
"Audrey, it's been a year since I first saw you, met you and the first time I fell in love, you were feisty, and I liked that. When Maleficent 'attacked' us when we saved Auradon, you saw the good in us, remember at the party? I can't believe we danced, and the week after you let me court you, after months of hard work, we became together, the past month we got engaged then last time you asked me, what did I stole from you? It was your heart, but you stole mine first, Audrey, I vow to (blah blah blah😂)

Audrey's POV
"Well Jay, wow, that's all I can say, thank you, you made me feel I'm the perfect princess when I'm not, that tourney game where you asked me to be your girl, I'll never forget that, when you proposed, Wow, and yes, I did stole your heart. I love you, I vow to (blah blah blah).

-Maleficent's POV-
Ahhhh, my other 'daughter' is married, I asked all of her close friends to prepare a speech, and it's time to say it now.

-Ben's POV-
"So auds, hey! You're married! Even though Mal and I got engaged first, you got married first, Jay, take care of her, she's a very great girl. Congrats!"

-Lonnie's POV-
"AUDREY! YOU'RE LAWFULLY WEDDED TO THE PRINCE OF THIEVES! AAHHH! I should stop screaming now, well, congrats, that's all I got to say, but to Jay, oh, make her cry we, (points to all of the girls) will hunt you down, even Mal and Evie agrees"

-Chad's POV-
"Jay! My man! You're married! Wow, we're just Sophomores! But who cares? Love is more important, Audrey, take care of Jay, he's never gonna make you cry, I know that, he's a great friend, congrats"

-Jane's POV-
"Audrey! Congrats! I know you'll find someone, remember when you said you don't want a prince? You just want someone to make you happy, well there, Jay I swear if you'll hurt her you're dead"

-Doug's POV-
"Jay, the first time you were here, we already knew you liked Audrey, so congrats, Auds, best wishes"

-Willow's POV-
"Just best wishes, that's all, and don't fight, you don't know what I do to get you both fixed"

-Mal's POV-
"Audrey! Congratulations, I knew you'd be together, Chad you owe me lunch! Well, congrats, Jay hurt her I swear, you're my built in brother but I'll kill you"

-Evie's POV-
"Awwww, congrats! Hey, don't fight okay? And Jay I will kill you when you hurt her"

-Liv's POV-
"Guys! You make a cute couple! Congrats! Jay hurt her and we girls swear we'll kill you"

-Maddie's POV-

-Carlos's POV-
"So don't kill Jay, I'll be the one to do that, just love each other I, not great with this mushy love stuff"

-Audrey's POV-
"Guys thanks, and yeah, don't kill Jay, please" I chuckled, "shall we now start the party?" "Ole ole ey!" Then there, I was now officially, the 'Princess of Thieves' I mean I did stole the 'Prince of thieves' heart.

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