₪Chapter 3₪

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Oken POV:

I say goodbye to my friend and went home, when i arrive i saw (Y/n) sleeping in the door

"Why is onee-chan sleeping there?" I said myself, i go to her and look at her sleep face making me blush 'Her sleep face..'

I stare at her a couple of minute and now i started to smirk "hehehe perfect timing.."

I leaned closer to Ate (Y/N) as i blush with a smirk "ATE (Y/N) WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!" i shout at (Y/n)'s ears making her wake up with a scared

"WHAT THE HECK OKEN?!" She said in a upset way, i laughed hard

"Im sorry Ate (Y/N)! Hahahah!" I laughed harder and harder making her groaned, she smack my head
"Ow!" I rub my head

"Its not funny!" She said standing up and went to the kitchen

"Im just making fun of you onee-chan!" I said following her

"Hmph! Do you think its funny?!" She started to get angry , i giggle and hug her

"Im sorry onee-chan, im not doing that again!" I hug her tightly, i hear her sigh and hug back

"Its okay Oken, go and watch some movies in the living room" i nodded and went to the living room

I open the Television as i watch (F/A) movie, i grab my cellphone and look at messenger , i saw (Y/N)'s friend chatting oh yeah miko add me here.

Oken:Hello everyone!

Okenismyhusbando:*gasp* OKEN <3

KuraChu:Oh Oken ^^

Oken:uhh. Ate Miko why your nickname is Okenismyhusbando?

Okenismyhusbando:well im a fan of yours and i love you OwO

KuraChu:Wow Miko you fangirl


Oken:Can you change that ate..

Okenismyhusbando: Fine..

Okenismyhusbando change her nickname to MikoMikoNii



Oken:Love Live Fan XD

KuraChu:Oh sh*t



KuraChu:sorry ;-;

RaitoStar:Anyways. Oken wheres your sister?

Eh why did he ask?

Oken:Shes in the kitchen. Cooking some food for us, why do you ask?

RaitoStar: nothing



MikoMikoNii:Ohhhh may crush na~ (you have a crush now)

RaitoStar:Shut up you two, i dont like (Y/N) shes my friend

Oken:Hes right so. Ate Kura and Ate Miko stop teasing Kuya Raito

KuraChu:Damn it, fine..



Neko_(Y/n):Oken. Time to eat, im calling you in the kitchen you didnt hear it

Oken:im sorry sistah :3

Neko_(Y/n):okay we need to go, were gonna eat now


RaitoStar:Paalam.. (Bye)


I close my cellphone and put it on the table and went to kitchen as we eat together


(Y/N) POV:

We finish eating as we go to our room as i chat my friends in the messenger

KuraChu:is Oken asleep?

Neko_(Y/n): i dont know..

ShinFabulous: im he does so lets parteh!!!

MikoMikoNii:Shut up Shin.

RaitoStar:you always love party

ShinFabulous:Thats how i do!!! Yahoo!!

KuraChu:Hahaha stupid Shin

Neko_(Y/n):do you have any plan for this week?

RaitoStar:Yeah, me and Kura have a plan as we go camping!

Neko_(Y/n): thats cool!

MikoMikoNii:Im gonna come!

Neko_(Y/n): im gonna take Oken with me


Neko_(Y/n): i dont wanna make Oken alone here in the house so im gonna take him

KuraChu:Okay! That settle. Were gonna Camp in next week!


RaitoStar:Im gonna go sleep now

Neko_(Y/n): me too..


MikoMikoNii:BAI BAI!

I close my cellphone and put it to my table, and now i fall asleep

Onee-Chan. You're Mine~ (Yandere Little Brother X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang