Chapter 5: Fara's Rebellion

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Later that night, Fara knew everyone was asleep.  So, she gather up her things, and was about to mount her horse. Just before she did, Fara heard a voice. "Where are you going? " It was Bilbo.

          Fara stopped for a minute, then turned to look at him. She took in a deep breath and said, "I have to leave."

          "Leave? You can't leave.  We need you to guide us. Even Gandalf has needed you. And now you're just going to abandone us?" Bilbo replied to her.

          "Listen,  I am not leaving permanently,  I will be back in a few days." She whispered to him, hoping not to wake the others up.

           "Where are you going?" Bilbo asked her with annoyance.

           "I have business to take care of." She replied back, a bit annoyed herself.

           Bilbo crossed his arms and glared at her.

           "Look, whatever you do, don't tell the others.  When they noticed I'm gone, act like you don't have a clue." Fara told Bilbo as she went to get up on her horse.

           "Okay,  I will, under one condition. " Bilbo said.

            "What is it?" Fara asked with a sigh.

            "Tell me where you're going."

            "Look, I have business to take care of with...with Azog."

            "Azog?" Bilbo said in horror,  as his eyes widened.


             "You'r e not going to betray us, are you? You aren't going to tell him where we are?"

              "No, I just have one thing to do." Then Fara mounted her horse and took off before Bilbo could ask anymore questions.

    Soon Fara was back to the main camp of the orcs and wargs. She got off her horse and took a deep breath. Then, Fara marched straight through the group of orcs, with her head held high. All of the wargs and orcs were growling at her, but she didn't care.

             "Azog!" Fara yelled when she saw him.

             "Fara!  What are you doing here?" He demanded as he turned toward her.

            "I am done doing your dirty work!" She told him with dignity.

           "Let's not forget Fara,  that if it weren't for me, you would be dead." He said to her, as he smiled an evil grin.

          "Forget it, Azog. I won't let you hold that against me." And with that, Fara turned to leave. But before she could leave, two of Azog's gaurds captured her. They tied her hands up and put a gag around her mouth. Then they pushed her down in front of Azog.

            "All I wanted you to do was to lead them into our trap, but since you couldn't do that, then you'll help kill them." He said as bent beside her and played with her hair.  Then, he got up and walked away.

            The two gaurds drug her away and locked her up. Fara had no chance of escaping.

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