The Above World - Short story

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December 4th 2020, the day Noah Parkinson was announced dead after ending his life by stuffing pills down his throat. The funeral was quiet and depressing and no one said a word. Noah's Mother and Father just stood shocked and miserable as they watched their son's grave lower into the ground. Noah was only 15, another regular teenage boy, so young and so curious about the world he had lived in. He had no good reason on why he ended his life, only that he wanted to make the people he hated feel sorry for him. What Noah did was selfish.

There is the Under world also known as what you humans call hell and the above world which what some of you guys call heaven where god or whatever is really up there lives and watches the humans live their lives until their lives end. Noah ended his life too early. If you are wondering who I am or what I am because I did put in that I am not human, let's just say I'm a thing that lives in the above world and watches as people waste their beautiful precious lives.

God which I will now call the ruler watched as all the little humans fell asleep in one part of the rulers I would like to say doll house and as the other part of the doll house awoke. Noah doesn't understand the life he wasted, the life the ruler provided him. Noah was still a good boy so as his body floated up into the middle between the under world and the above world it rose higher to the above world and eventually laid on a light cloud.

"Hello. You may stand up and see the ruler. Welcome to the above world." A creature or as some of you guys say "angel" says.

"Hello." Noah replies as I watch him stand up and follow the creature. Noah does not remember his name or his life back on Earth, he only remembers how to speak. The "angel" is taking him up to the rulers place where the ruler will show him and talk to him about very important things.

"Why hello Noah Parkinson." The ruler says.

"I'm sorry who is Noah Parkinson?" Noah asks.

"You back on Earth." Noah looks puzzled. "Ok let me explain. You ended your life yesterday and then your spirit floated up to the above world." The ruler explains.

"Oh, interesting." Noah says.

"Now we have some things to talk about."

"What kind of things?"

"What your life would have been like also known as your future that was possible."

"Oh well I don't really think I would like to-" Noah gets cut off.

"Your life ended by your choice, now you must pay by me showing you how your life would have been like. Come." The ruler takes him to this room where the walls aren't walls, they are glass. This room is called the eyeing room, it's where the ruler watches all the humans on earth. "So shall we?"

"Yea I guess."

"Hmm where shall we start....oh yes the rest of your high school life." The ruler holds up this tiny replica of the earth and spins it forwards and then stops and points at Noah's school. The glass filled room starts to show Noah on the walls. He looks about 17 now. A girl is walking up next to him smiling.

"Who is that?"

"The girl you were supposed to marry."

"What's her name?" Noah asks as he walks closer to the glass screen."

"Iris, Iris Parkinson."

"Oh. I mean it's not a big deal, I bet she has a great life now."

"Let's check shall we?" The ruler takes out the tiny replica of the earth and spins it. The glass screen shows Iris around 20 on the floor of a hospital going insane.

"Oh god what's wrong with her?!" Noah asks disturbed.

"Her destiny has changed ever since you commited suicide. You see she was supposed to marry you and then become a Scientist but when you came to the above world she switched destinies so now she is insane.¨

¨Do you know what is going to happen to her?¨

¨Yes I do but that is something I can't tell you.¨

¨Please I would do anything.¨

¨Well then you should have not ruined her life in the first place Noah. I will give you an opportunity to communicate with her for a little bit.¨

¨How little?¨

¨Around 2 minuets.¨

Noah sighs. ¨Thank you.¨

¨Well your time starts now.¨ The ruler says as he leaves the room.

¨Uh hey..Iris?¨ Noah says looking at the glass screen.

¨WHO IS THAT?!¨ Iris says as she gets up.

¨Uh I am Noah. I am the person you were supposed to marry.¨

¨What do you mean ¨Supposed to?¨¨ Iris says looking up to the sky.

¨I killed myself, your destiny has changed because I died.¨

¨What?...wait what destiny?¨

¨You were supposed to marry me and then become a scientist but when I died you destiny changed, now you are you.¨

¨So what you are saying is that I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE A HAPPY LIFE BUT BECAUSE OF YOU KILLING YOURSELF I AM A CRAZY FREAK SITTING IN A FUCKING HOSPITAL??!!!!!????????¨ Iris says standing up screaming.

¨Yes I am so sorry I did not know that this was going to happen in the first place so please do not get mad at me.¨


¨Noah?¨ The ruler says as he walks in.

¨Yeah?¨ Noah says crying.

¨I am truly sorry but times up.¨ The ruler says. Noah backs up and just watches as Iris is helped by some nurses. Iris goes back to her regular crazy self. Noah starts crying and walks out of the room.

The Above world -Short Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें