Chapter 2

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Well this is the big day I thought to myself. My dad wasn't on the phone for ONCE. I called Miranda, she started crying on the phone when I told her that today is the day that I'm moving. Right after we hung up, my dad said we're leaving in an hour.

The doorbell rings it's who I expected it to be, Miranda. "Hey Miranda, my dad says we're leaving in an hour" I say with a little whimper like I was going to start crying, again." It's to soon Kathleen I don't want you to move" she replied and burst out crying. My dad walked in and said to start saying the good byes, I started to cry a bit, but Miranda hugged me. I hugged her back and said good bye. I told her once again for reassurance "always remember that no Leprechaun is going to be waiting for you at the end of a rainbow". she started laughing a little, that made me feel better."Just you wait and see!" She whispered in my ear, as my dad said it was time to go. My dad dragged me out of a room while he stared at a cellphone.

I got in the car after hugging Miranda one more time. As the car pulled away with the moving trucks behind I waved to Miranda with tears in my eyes. She mouthed the words 'you wait and see', which made me smile shaking my head 'no'. When we got around the corner, in the car, I got a feeling that I forgot something. I don't know why, but I dropped that feeling like a duck in a forest. that you never see, I thought to my self.

After half an hour or so I fell asleep, I think I heard dad mutter that he forgot the way to the airport, but I could've been hearing things. I slept for about 20 more minutes until dad tapped me on the shoulder.

"I almost forgot how to get here" he told me getting out of the car. "HA!!" I said a little to loudly causing people to look over. I went to the back seat to let Ralph out and realized, "DAD, we forgot Ralph!!". "I'm sure someone will take care of him" dad said holding his phone to the sky trying to get signal. "Maybe they have free wifi inside, come on" he said walking away."But dad it's Ralph I need Ralph! to keep my sanity" I said muttering the last part under my breath."Kathleen I'm sure Amanda... or Miranda will take care of him, not like I ever did" he said under his breath. I gasped and made a shocked looking face at him, causing him to look away from his phone for the first time since we got there. I phoned Miranda, while dad dealt with the plane tickets. Miranda answered on the second ring "hello?". "Hi it's me, Kathleen, do you mind taking care of Ralph for a long while?" I asked her "of course". "I'll phone you when I get to Ireland,oh and Thank you sooooo much for taking care of Ralph". after we both hung up dad came over and said" its all settled, planes gonna be leaving in about half an hour" he said while we waited on the chairs in the waiting area.

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