Morgan's eyes were still glowing again as she sank her claws in her stomach. "What's wrong with her?" Sara asked.

Snart came back in the room while holding his arm, "She said she had to get him out."


"I don't know." Snart walked closer to Morgan and she growled at him. Snart slowly raised his hands. "Claws, who are you trying to get out?" She kept growling at the three. "It's just me. I come in peace. Now, who are you trying to get out?"

A few seconds felt like hours to them. Morgan was panting as she spoke his name, "Carter."

Snart's face was kept blank, "You're trying to get Carter out?" She nodded. "Why?"

She let out a maniacal laugh, "Because he's inside me. He's trying to get out. He's been ripping my inside out until I let him free. He's going to kill me if I don't." Snart could see the black substance in her teeth.

"Claws, Carter Hall is dead. The only one trying to kill you is yourself."

Morgan slowly walked towards Snart while Ray and Sara watched with caution, "And I'm going to kill every single last of you if you won't let me do this."

Snart smirked, "Sorry, Claws, can't let the happen." He grabbed her and turned her around. "Now!"

The door opened and Rip pointed his gun at her. He pressed the trigger, making the small tranquilizer dart hit her. Morgan let out another loud roar before her eyes went back to normal. Her eyes began to droop before she went limp in Snart's arms.


Sara was biting her nail as she, Snart, and Ray looked over at the unconscious Hale. "I don't understand. Why would Morgan think Carter's trying to kill her?"

Ray shook his head, "I don't know. She's been different. I would hear her talk to this guy name Peter."

Sara furrowed her eyebrows, "There's no one here name Peter."

Ray nodded, "I know."


Snart cut her off, "What is it that made Claws act this way?"

Rip came inside the med bay with a small bag. "I just called one Scott McCall. Apparently, they're facing this creature who likes to call himself a Darach."

Ray furrowed his eyebrows, "What's a Darach?"

"In simple terms, it's a dark Druid. This Darach needed sacrifices and," Rip placed the bag on the table. "Morgan was one of the targets."

Sara picked up the bag and saw the purple powder, "What is it?"

Snart crossed his arms, "Wolfsbane." Everyone gave him a shocked look. "I read."

"Ok, but how did this Darach give her wolfsbane? She's been with us during or missions."

Rip nodded, "That's what I was wondering, until I went back at the security tapes." Gideon pulled up a little screen. "I couldn't pinpoint the exact date of the poisoning until..." Gideon paused the tape the day of the funeral. "there."

Ray, Sara, and Snart looked closer to see Morgan looking towards one of the trees. A dark figure looming behind it. The figure raised his hand and blew the contents towards her. "How did he find her?" Ray asked.

Rip ran his hand over his mouth, "I don't know."

"Well, is she back to normal at least?"


"That's good."


Morgan's POV

Why do my insides feel like they're on fire? My stomach hurts. I'm more tired. I open my eyes to see myself in the med bay. "What happened?" I asked groggy.

"What happened was you went exorcist on us." Ray answered.

I gave them a confused look, "What?"

"You tried to kill yourself." Sara added.


Snart crossed his arms, "I don't think she remembers anything."

I nodded as I got up. "The last thing I remember is us burying Carter. Then, I'm fighting you guys."

Rip came by the bed, "You had wolfsbane in your system. This creature called the Darach tried to poison you. It wanted to use you as a sacrifice."

I began pulling the wires off, "Well, whoever this Darach is, I'm going to rip his throat out with my teeth."

Snart smirked, "There's the Claws we know."


A/N: There you go, she got poisoned.

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