Chapter 1: And Let It Begin

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In the end, can this really be called rebirth?

As I picked up my head that had been chopped off and rolled across the floor, I calmly thought about that.

Good morning, new world. After dying in my previous world, I woke up after a long time. Although I woke up I have no eyes. Neither do I have a mouth, nose or even ears. In the first place, my head is separated from me.

No matter how you look at it, having become just a body with the head chopped off, I am dead.

In spite of that, the body that is me is conscious and moving.

On the gallows, despite being the one who chopped of my head, the executor is trembling in fear, around me, despite having so much fun watching my execution, was the speechless pleib–correction, general masses.

Yeah. Just right now right here, my execution show was conducted and ended safely.

In this world, I was born and raised as the daughter of a noble, prosecuted of numerous crimes that brought shame to my name, had my engagement broken off by my fiancee the prince and to end it off was beheaded via guillotine.

And then my consciousness was revived by the shock of being killed.

If asked what is the shock of being killed I would not be able to answer but the current situation is that there is no other way of saying it. I touched my modest chest gently but my pulse had clearly stopped. No matter how I think of it, this body is dead. And although I picked up my dropped head, there was no feeling from above the neck. Sight and hearing is not from this severed head but by some design that is working on principles that I don't understand.

How should I put it, there should be a limit for belatedness. In the current situation of having lost my head, what are you telling me to do? Play soccer with my own head? Seems very fun. If I can find a teammate in this world, I think I will try it.

As I thought of such a fun game, I brushed off the dirt on my severed head that I had picked up.

There was less blood than I expected. The bleeding seemed to have stopped already. This surreal situation of holding my own severed head in my hands, it's almost like the headless horseman of Halloween. Well since I'm not a knight or anything, I think I'm just a zombie.

The me of this world was bawling like a baby right before dying so I think I had regrets in this world but is that really related to the me that awakened after dying? Having led a good life in my previous world and died a natural death peacefully, there is nothing more irritating than being awoken like this.

Well, although it is myself, there is nothing more disappointing than this.

In my previous world, I worked for 5 years in a large newspaper company before quitting and becoming free, I then lived off donations from the kindness of corporations and politicians whose weaknesses I had grasped. This severed head had such a lame personality that was unthinkable of having had my soul.

It really is sad. In human relationships, one must take advantage of people's weakness. First grasp weak points such that they are unable to oppose you, then obtain money or information or connections, and finally end it off at a level where you don't leave any grudges. She was such an ignorant ojou-sama that she did not even know those basics of communication. How sad.

I agree

Because of that I got cheated on, conspired against by my fiancee and his lover and then condemned.


I held up my own head and observed it carefully.

It's a beauty. The stress suffered after being prosecuted until the execution has worn it down a bit, but until then she was raised as a selfish and spoiled ojou-sama without any suffering. In this country where the level of civilization is at best a step before my previous world, she was born and raised as a very fortunate child.

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