Chapter 4

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Brandon's POV//

"What do you think happened?" I ask Hunter

"Uhhh I don't know bro, but she did text us so everything must be fine"

"Oh yeah okay, I'm going back to my room" I say walking out

"Not so fast" he says holding up his hand acting like I'm a puppet pulling me back in.


"When is Hope gonna learn that someone has a crush on her" he said smirking

"You mean you, I don't know man whenever you want to tell her" I said laughing knowing that's now what he would have expected.

"Haha me? Have a crush? On her? Come on dude she's 2 years younger" he sounded nervous though.

"Age doesn't matter Hunter and it's only 2 years and how do you know, do you even know her birthday or what grade she's in?"

"Well, I know she's in 7th and I'm in 9th and your in 8th"

"Okay hut what if she was born in December or something" I say taking my phone out to look

"Okay she was born in January but started school ahead late sooooo technically your a year and a couple months apart and me and her are months apart" I say not trying to be like a stalker

"Okay bro whatever you say" Hunter says laughing and then Ashton walks in.

"What are you guys talking about" Ashton asks

"Nothing little bean" hunter says knowing we shouldn't talk about girls in front of Ashton

"Hey guys I have an idea why don't we go to the pool" but Hunter looks at me like what if Hope calls back so I just text the group chat.

To Hunterrr👅😍 and Hope Jackson:

Hey Hope me and Hunter are going to go to the pool so we will text you when we get back and then we can FaceTime🙃.

We kept our phones in our hands while walking but Hope never texted back. Also by the way Hunter put his name in my phone. But I was started to get worried about her, I don't know why either I barely know her. I mean kinda I do know a lot about her but I can't let her or Hunter know that. I just need to stop and think about something else. Well I'm going on tour again which will be so much fun but then I feel bad cause me and Hunter just got back a few weeks ago and Ashton always gets bored and our mom missed us. I finally see the pool up ahead and Hunter starts running ahead. I'm honestly tired but I don't want to tell Hunter cause then I'll feel like he will talk to Hope on his own and I don't want him to tell her anything that I don't know about. Yeah I know that sounds sneaky and like he's not trust worthy but he's never really gotten into a girl like this before so I think he actually likes her but probably not. I feel my pocket start to vibrate and it's probably my mom but it's actually a text from Hope.

From Hope Jackson:

I need to leave this place :(

To Hope Jackson:

Why what's wrong? What happened!? Is everything okay?

From Hope Jackson:

Idk if I should tell you I just met you but nothing against you❤

To Hope Jackson:

Come on you can trust me :)

From Hope Jackson:


Hopes POV//

Okay I think it's time. I take a deep breathe and walk up to me dad.

"Hey dad, can I talk to you"

"About" he says exaggeration it.

"Well I damn I've wanted to talk to you for a long time about this but I know you'll be mad" I say looking down.

"Your my little girl, why would I be mad at you?"

"You will, anyway you know how you want me to be a successful business woman and stuff and ya know take on with the business, well what if I want to do something on my own?"

"Then who would I give the business too" I can tell he's starting to get mad.

"Well what about my brother Jake? What's he going to do"

"He's going to do his own thing, he's going to do what he's been dreaming of, he's already started somewhere"

My brother is this great basketball player and he's got a lot of fans and all he's games are always packed.

"So your saying what I want to do, doesn't matters, well if you didn't know which you don't cause you rarely pay any attention to me I already have my careered planned out and it starts in a few weeks. So in a few weeks you won't have to deal with me Jacob Jackson" after I say that and walk back in my room.

I honestly don't know why I don't get the same attention as my brother or even his friends. I'm always that child who's going to take over the family business. But I don't want too, I've already made it somewhere in life and I've finally found my happiness. I'm sick of my parents forcing me to do stuff I don't want to do. I never wanted to play sports or learn piano, I had to learn to like them. I really needed to get this out so I decide to text Brandon, I'm hoping he could help.

To Brandon Rowland:

I need to leave this place :(

From Brandon Rowland:

Why what's wrong? What happened!? Is everything okay ?

To Brandon Rowland:

Idk if I should tell you I just met you but nothing against you❤

From Brandon Rowland:

Come on you can trust me :)

To Brandon Rowland:


I need to get out of here I don't matter, I need to be on the next flight in like less than 3 days! My parents don't love me all they care about is Jack and my dad doesn't even know about my future career! And I can't take it my mom says of how much I'm a disappointment and haven't worked a day in my life and I hate them! I hate them all! I'm not a family I've never had one and probably will never get one!

Brandon's POV//

Woah I was so shocked about that text I stopped walking and Hunter started yelling me to come but I ignored him. I didn't know what to say, so I told Hunter to come over.

"This makes me want to cry" Hunter said

"We have to help her Hunter"

"What could we possibly do"

"Okay well how about we bring her here" I thought that was great but what if she didn't want to come

"How are we gonna get her a plane ticket"

"Come on Hunter, mom will understand let's just go swimming then go home and show her"

Hopes POV//

I knew it, he read it and didn't answer. Nobody loves me, I'm a broken person that can't be fixed.

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