Simply Porcelain

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You said you loved me with all your heart,

It was evident to me, you brushed my hair and dressed me with only the finest clothes,

Treated with such high distinction, I was like a little princess in the midst of a royal court

And for that, there was not a moment I would not want to see you smile

I would always wait for the sun to rise only to have you grace me with your presence again

On a breezy afternoon we were playing in the great outdoors,

You sang "Ring around the Rosie" as we held hands spinning across the yard

It wasn't your fault but without a moment's notice, I slipped out of your hands

I fell to the ground immediately and shattered

I could hear you crying but that alone could not save me from the unfortunate truth

I lost a piece of myself that day and thus lost a piece of you

See, I was only porcelain, but to you I was real, we laughed and played, it gave me life

But now I am broken, damaged unworthy of your company, and you unworthy of mine

Shoved in a corner I am only remnants of your past, a hole in your heart, a lurking shadow

It didn't take long to be forgotten, time went by

The next day you walked into the room holding on to beautifully wrapped package,

Excitedly you tear the wrappings to discover a new doll

I watched from a distance as you dash off to enjoy her company,

You would brush through her curls, and play around the garden

I waited for you but you did not notice me,

I am only a monument of your mistake, you despise me but love her

I grew with anguish as the pain of being discarded dwells within me,

How easily are we replaceable, how easily we are ignored, how easily do we disappoint

But I am only a doll, and dolls are not real......

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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