Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s POV

I go out into the's weirdly quiet. Something's definitely going on. I hear voices coming from Lincoln's room so I sneak over to the door and listen to the conversation. Yeah everyone's definitely in there. "We cant let him learn about what's happening!" Lincoln says as I hear him pace around. "We also need to be careful because if he suspects something's up he'll investigate and we all know that he's a master of stealth, something which we thought was impossible in this house, he knows where all the creaky floorboards are and has even helped sneak each of us in after being out late." Lisa says while panicking. "Sigh, there's no way we can hide it from him" seems even Lucy knows. "I have an idea! Even if hes listening now if we just never mention exactly what it is that we're hiding theres no way he can find out!" Lincoln says triumphantly. Everyone agrees with the idea, darn looks like it's time to head back there's no answers here. Hmm if I can't find answers here what about from mom and dad. I go over to the bathroom and listen at the vent. Nothing. Oh well guess I'll brush it off for now but I will get answers.

*Time skip a day*

Ok it's been an entire day and I still haven't got a single lead! This is getting tedious maybe it's time to step it up a level. If anyone knows what's going on it's her. I go into her room and look around. The stuffed toys are her watchers she's had them for years and is just getting rid of a few. The door shuts and I see her laid on her bed. "Lola" I calmly say as I walk over to her. "Well well well look who it is need my help again? I thought you were this great detective around the house" she smirks at me and laughs.
"You're the only one who can get me a lead when I can't find one I need your help again." I plead with her. "Sorry (Y/n) but I'm not like that anymore my lips are sealed". She pulls an innocent face at me and smiles. "Well what if I could get you whatever you want?" I know this'll work. "Hmm and how would you know what I want? I have all the information I need right now." She's right but i know something She doesn't "Well I guess you know exactly what mom wants for her birthday. With that info you could be the favourite for a while....". I look over to her and see the change of expression. I've got her right where I want her. "What?!?!? How did you find out? What is it? Tell me!" She quickly scurries to the end of her bed. "Ah ah ahh." I wag my finger in front of her face. "Tell me what I want first." She sits back and reluctantly tells me "Fine. Theres a big surprise coming for you soon. No one wants you to know so they're keeping quiet. The best bet you have is with Luan but she knows the most details but she'll be hard to crack." I smile, I think it looks more menacing than I intended, and politely tell her. "Thank you dear sister. Mom wants the new perfume that Leni just brought out. Get her that and she'll definitely treat you to something at a later date" I walk out of her room and into mine. The lights are all off, I could have sworn I left them on and mom and dad are downstairs. "I know you're here" I open my door and see her stood there. "Lucy. What are you doing here?" She looks at me slowly "You should stop looking now while you can." She says in her usual tone. "Why? Isn't it human nature?" I question while looking at her suspiciously, she's the hardest to read out of all of our siblings. "If you keep looking something bad may happen" she holds up one of her fortune telling cards. "This journey for answers will only end in tragedy" I'm not really superstitious but Lucy's fortune telling is usually right. "Well I'll keep looking out for tragedy but right now I have a comedian to visit" I tip my hat to her, I like to wear it when I'm in 'detective mode' like those guys in old shows and that Nick Valentine I've seen on the internet, and walk out. I need to be careful April fools is just around the corner so she might have set up some early traps for anyone that dares to enter her room. Maybe this is what Lucy meant by disaster. I walk in and instantly dodge a baseball bat but I walk and trip over a line to fall in glue. It's quick drying if I stand up quick enough I won't be stuck to the ground. I stand up only to have to dodge another baseball bat "Well i think this room is almost out of BATtery" I say whilst listening out for a laugh. "Haha nice one bro" I see Luan sat in her usual chair before April fools day. She smiles at me and says "Well I guess you're here looking for answers." Everyone likes to play along when I start investigating. "Yep so what's happening around here?"  She laughs. "And here I thought you were the egghead around here!  You seriously expect me to crack that easily?" I laugh, I've always liked her puns, and walk closer to her. "Good one but this is no yolk." The only way I know how to bargain with her is to out-pun or out-prank her. "Theres no way I'm spoiling this one for you this time bro. Your lead has lead you nowhere again. Its going down like a lead balloon." Lola was right she's definitely gonna be hard to crack this time. "Well then guess I'll tell everyone where all of your pranks are going to be" I show her the blueprints for all of her pranks that I found earlier. "What? I thought I lost that. Well it's a tempting offer but I'm still gonna decline." Looks like its time to activate It. "Well then you asked for this." I press a button on the remote control for her pranks and every single one of them slam into her. "Haha! Nice one but Lincoln is the one who knows the most we told Lola to say that so we could slow you down or make you give up. This time no tricks but be careful Lisa's set up traps leave it for 5 days and she'll disarm them so wait until then." I tip my hat to her "Thanks Luan" and walk to my room. I'll leave it for now but I will find out what's going on, anyway it's time for my guitar practice.

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