five; "you aren't like most girls."

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Upending my phone in one hand, I used the other to pull up one of my sleeves as I glance at my watch.

4.59PM; you’re gonna be late again.

Just then, the sound of my doorbell echoed through the house.

Or perhaps not this time.

“You’re almost late, but come in anyway,” The door swung open, revealing my boyfriend, Alec.

“Sorry, I was so caught up with things at school,” he said.

“It’s fine. Hey, what do you wanna do today? We could watch a movie and then head out for dinner at like-“

“I wanna do this,” he grabbed my waist and turned me around such that I was facing him. He smirked as he kissed me on the mouth, pushing me up against the wall roughly.

The kiss was heated, maybe even too heated as he lifted up my shirt up to my waist. He groaned in disappointment when I pulled away. Instead, I led him to the couch where I sat down and picked out a DVD.

“Another chick flick? Really? You’re too predictable, K,” he chuckled, kissing the top of my head as I snuggled into his chest.

Soon enough, the plot of the movie cleared up – it was about a girl who was in a relationship with a guy whom she really loved although he didn’t feel the same way about her; he liked her but he didn’t love her. It got me thinking about my relationship. Lately, I felt as if I were the one putting more effort into our relationship. Alec had always been there, but he barely did anything to fuel our relationship. I had always been the one to initiate dates. I had always been the one to initiate a conversation when we hadn’t spoken for a while.

And I was aware that the three words should be said when the ambience is right, not when we’re casually watching a movie that mirrors our relationship. The moment should be special and unforgettable. But maybe, just maybe, that’s what we both needed and unfortunately, didn’t speak out about – reassurance that we feel the same way towards each other. If he even loved me, that is.

“I love you,” I blurted out before my logic could protest against it.

Though I tried hard, I couldn’t help but feel strangely isolated, rejected and lonely when he did – or said, in that case – nothing but kissed me once more.


“Hey, this is Sara! Call me back later or not at all, I don’t care. Bye!”

“Come on, Sara, pick up your damn phone,” I groaned into my pillow as her voicemail replayed for the fifth time that evening. I still felt terrible after what happened with Alec and I needed to tell someone about it. Unfortunately, I wasn't particularly liked by anyone else besides Sara. To put it out there, she was my only hope.

After three more failed attempts, I put on my track pants and sweatshirt and a coat, not bothering with make-up and fancy hairdos. It’s not like I had anyone to impress, it’s just Sara’s place I’m heading to.

When I arrived, it slightly disappointed me that i was greeted by another doorman who isn't Ashton. His smile wasn’t as wide – it wasn’t enough to make me feel the joviality I did a few nights ago when we were both stuck inside due to the snowstorm. However, when I walked in, there he was. A newspaper in his right hand, a cup of… tea, perhaps, in the other. It was odd seeing him in a casual outfit when I was too used to seeing him in the formal doorman outfit.

“Hey, Kare!” he waved when he spotted me approaching him. “How do I look as a normal person?” he grinned, pointing towards his outfit. As upset and ashamed as I was, I genuinely laughed, making him laugh too.

“You look… normal,” I gulped, coercing myself into believing the lie I just told – he didn’t look normal, he looked fucking good. He looked extremely good in track pants and a tank top, with his fringe covering his eyebrows and tousled hair completing the look.

“Why are you here anyway? I’d guess you’re here for Sara but she just left with her boyfriend a few minutes ago.”

I muttered a thousand profanities in response, almost regretting it instantly as Ashton’s expression changed to a concerned one.

“Do you wanna sit here for a bit?” he shifted, giving me space.

“Thank you,” I buried my face in my hands, feeling slightly stressed up from the feelings I had been bottling up.

“Okay,” he trailed off, “You clearly aren’t alright. Wanna talk about it? Remember what I said, most people-“

“-find comfort when confiding in strangers, I know. But it’s alright, I’ll do just fine,” I sighed.

“Is it your boyfriend?” he asked, scooting closer to me with his chin in his palm. As if observing me like I was a museum display would untangle and clarify the gazillion thoughts in my head. Although I must admit, I was in awe at how accurate his guess is.

“How do you know?”

“Because from what I’ve learnt, most girls usually approach their best friends when faced with relationship issues. However, when their best friends aren’t available, they tend to spill it out to just anyone – strangers or not - who approaches them,” he gave a winning smile.

I was, to say the least, confused. “You approached me and I still didn’t tell you what my issue is.”

“Exactly my point, you aren’t like most girls. Now that I’ve figured you out, we aren’t exactly strangers anymore, are we? So tell me, Kare, what is it that’s running through your mind? Consider me a friend now because I’m all ears.”



i hope you guys like it idk i have 3 exams next week and i've been studying quite madly for them so my brain's a little wrecked but i did promise you guys a longer chapter so here it is

i hope it's decent I REALLY DO

BUT OFFICIALLY FRIENDS YAY!!!!!!! and alec's one hell of a dick don't you think

dedicating this to ella because parenting 101 & american apparel underwear updates made my day heck ya 

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