He wakes up at the hospital.

"Uncle Luo, you're awake. How do you feel?" Seeing Luo Cheng Hai wake, Han Ting Hua walks to his bedside.

Seeing Han Ting Hua, Luo Cheng Hai immediately recalls what he had seen before he passed out and rapidly breathes as Han Ting Hua pats his chest, soothing him.

"Uncle Luo, you shouldn't get too excited. It will cause your blood pressure to rise and it's not good for you." He knew the matter between him and Luo An Hai was too much of a shock for Luo Cheng Hai. While with Luo Cheng Hai's stubborn and conservative personality, he wouldn't easily accept it, not to mention he had seen that scene.

Thinking back to that moment, Han Ting Hua also feels guilty, Seeing Luo Cheng Hai and Mai Feng at the door, he and Luo An Hai were stunned. Luo An Hai had hastily jumped away from him, wrapped the fallen bedsheet around herself. Just as she was about to say something, Luo Cheng Hai fainted.

Terrified, they immediately rushed Luo Cheng Hai to the hospital.

"You, you, explain! When did you and An Hai start?" Luo Cheng Hai alternated between asking and gasping.

Han Ting Hua thinks, if it's when he and Luo An Hai had confirmed their relationship, then "To be accurate, yesterday."

"Yesterday?" Luo Cheng Hai is stunned, "Good, since it hasn't been long, I want you two to separate."

"No! Sorry Uncle Luo, but I can't." Han Ting Hua firmly refuses. Seeing the tenacity in Luo Cheng Hai's gaze, "Uncle Luo, I won't separate from Luo An Hai. I want to be with her."

"Nonsense!" Luo Cheng Hai roars. "The two of you are siblings."

"We aren't." He had never seen Luo An Hai as his sister. "Luo An Hai and I don't have any blood ties."

"But you're siblings in name! Do you know what sort of joke you've become? Your actions at last night's banquet are already in the news, now everyone suspects the nature of your relationship!"

It was only after seeing the tabloids that Luo Cheng Hai and Mai Fang had come to Luo An Hai's residence.

The picture in the magazine showed Luo An Hai and Han Ting Hua intimately embracing, sticking so closely they didn't appear like siblings but lovers.

The same article had also vividly discussed Luo An Hai's past romances one by one, claiming that all those men were just shields used to cover up the fact that she and her younger brother were in love. Luo Cheng Hai couldn't afford to lose so much of his reputation. Even if the two of them weren't blood related, they're still siblings in name. He absolutely won't allow them to shame the Luo family!

Han Ting Hua had already expected what happened at the banquet last night would be exposed, and had mentally prepared himself for Luo Cheng Hai's interrogation. No matter what Luo Cheng Hai says, he won't give up Luo An Hai. "Uncle Luo, I don't see my relationship with An Hai as a joke. Our love is real, I don't care what others say."

"You!" Luo Cheng Hai trembles in anger. "Little Hua, now even you're acting like An Hai and rebelling against me?"

"Uncle Luo, I..."

"To think your reputation is more important than me." Luo An Hai had stood on the other side of the door for a while, until she couldn't resist bursting in. Mai Fang had anxiously stood beside her. She and Luo An Hai had both left to hear the doctor's report, and hadn't expected they would overhear Luo Cheng Hai and Han Ting Hua's conversation when they returned. As Luo An Hai's expression gradually darkens, Mai Fang feared the father-daughter pair would start to clash again.

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