A year later, on her birthday, Han Ting Hua brought a birthday cake into her bedroom. He stared at the photo of her until the candles waned.

During that year, her confusion and suspicion turned to curiosity and acceptance. She silently watched Han Ting Hua's odd daily routines.

Years later, her father and the homewrecker died. Han Ting Hua was living alone in the Luo Mansion. Why didn't Han Ting Hua get married? She didn't understand why Han Ting Hua turned down all the hot young women who chased after him because of his good looks and status.

For years, Han Ting Han maintained her bedroom in its original condition, and he stared at the photo of her at night. She was frustrated she couldn't understand Han Ting Hua's odd behavior.

The next year, Han Ting Hua adopted an orphaned boy, and raised the orphaned boy like a biological son.

After Han Ting Hua's adoptive son grew up, Han Ting Hua fainted often. She heard Han Ting Hua's doctor say he had lung cancer. Despite the doctor's advice, he didn't undergo lung cancer treatments and his health rapidly deteriorated.

She didn't understand why Han Ting Hua didn't fear death. It was as if he wanted to die sooner.

Her frustrations grew as Han Ting Han's body withered away. What was wrong with him? Why didn't he undergo lung cancer treatments? Why did he skip meals? Why did he sit in her bedroom and stare at the photo of her after every time he fainted?

Finally she witnessed Han Ting Hua's funeral. She ran to his tombstone, and didn't know why her hand instinctively touched tenderly the photo of him on his tombstone.

She remembered Han Ting Hua's last day. He had held the photo of her, his usual solemn lips actually smiled, he whispered 'An Hai' and he died.

'Idiot,' she said and sobbed.

She clutched her chest. Why did her heart hurt immensely when she was dead?

End of Chapter One (part 1)

LMA – Chapter One (part 2)

In the midst of Luo An Hai's continuous sobbing, she heard someone calling her.

'Mistress,' Mrs. Chen called.

Luo An Hai's eyes opened widely, and a blurry face of a younger Mrs. Chen appeared.

'Mrs. Chen?' Luo An Hai asked.

How did Mrs. Chen see her? She remembered Mrs. Chen left the Luo Mansion to live with Mrs. Chen's daughter-in-law and to take care of Mrs. Chen's grandchildren when she was a twelve-year-old.

At her funeral, Mrs. Chen had sobbed as much as her father. She looked at her surroundings. Why wasn't she at the cemetery? What was she doing in her bedroom at the Luo Mansion?

'Mistress, did you dream about your mother?' Mrs. Chen asked, looking worried. 'Your mother was stubborn. What good did stubbornness do for your mother? I can't believe your mother hasn't been gone that long, and yet your father remarried. Your father told the household that he's bringing his new wife and her son here today.'

Mrs. Chen's heart hurt for Luo An Hai. How could Luo An Hai's father be that inconsiderate and bring home a step-mother for Luo An Hai so soon after Luo An Hai's mother's death? What if Luo An Hai's step-mother mistreats Luo An Hai?

While Mrs. Chen worried about Luo An Hai's well-bring, Luo An Hai's heart was full of confusion and suspicion. She didn't understand what Mrs. Chen meant by her father's new wife.

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