A new beginning

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Draco P.O.V

       Harry potter, i had a crush on him since 2nd year and he is a veela, and i Draco malfoy of everyone at Hogwarts is his mate so when he asked "draco w-will you be my mate? he said  harry expected for me to reject and let him die i grimaced at thought "yes i would like that potter i accept. His face brightens up and jumps on me legs wrapping around my waist "THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU"  he said as he hugged me close to him and kisses my cheek, i blush and hug him back "well boys follow me to your new dorm" dumbduck said. harry grabbed my hand and intertwined  our fingers. "thank you draco i promise i will be a good mate and keep you safe" harry said happily. "harry i want this just as much as you you don't need to protect me I want to protect you" i said truthfully. " awww dray we can protect each other he said kissing my nose"  i blushed "thats fair"

        "we're here" dumbduck said my eyes snapped ahead of us and there was a whole new tower. It was huge we had our own common room and one room so we'd be sleeping in the same room, the room was half red half green with a serpent wrapped around a lion. It was beautiful. "ok boys hope you like your dorm i need to go talk to Severus he said Voldemort is trying to return." Dumbledore said leaving the door shuts "WHAT" i said "whats wrong drake" harry said "1st don't call me drake 2nd Voldemort is the good guy here" i said. "d-d-draco  what do you mean?" harry said almost,scared of me "oh sorry harry it's just Dumbledore kidnapped tom's child he isn't so bad hell,he wasn't even the one who killed your parents.".i said scowling"WHAT WHO KILLED MY PARENTS THEN" harry said alarmed "if i told you you wouldn't believe me". i said "please tell me dray". he said "fine" i said "i-it was Remus Lupin' '

harry started crying so i came over and hugged him, harry sobbed into my shoulders sadly "w-w-i-i thought of him as a uncle w-w- why would he  do that" Harry said still crying it broke my heart to see him like that so i grabbed his chin to make him look at me then i kissed his lips to let him know how much i love him, the kiss was full of passion and love. "thanks dray i love you" Harry said as i pulled away. "i love you to harry but i have an idea"." and what would this idea be" Harry said curious. "do you trust me not to hex you?" i said hoping he'd say yes "of course drake" he said "you might be tom's son im going to remove any and all glamour you have ok?" "ok" harry said. "ablatio" (latin for removal) Harry's hair got longer and was gelled to the side and he got paler and taller by about an inch he looked even better that before.

"i-i remember everything dad is nice i-i cant believe i almost killed him" harry said "and my memories are coming back, my real name is harry riddle". the gryffindor said. " we need to go see your dad harry he will be extremely happy" i said happy my mate was in his true form "are you sure he will accept us dray"? "i hope so" i mumbled. "lets go then-wait WE NEED TO PRANK HIM!!" he yelled "jeez OK harry lets go. we went into sev's office "SEV" i yelled, harry giggled  he came in scowling "yes draco who is that he nodded twords harry "harry potter without glamour dumbduck's going to pay for putting that on him. "ok but why are you here" sev questioned "harry riddle not harry potter dumbduck obliviated him into thinking he was potter but he is tom's son we are going to floo to malfoy manor so we can see his father but we need him looking like potter so we can prank him. i said smirking. sev grinned and made harry look like potter again. "Draco do you know the counter curse?" sev said. "yes" i replied "lets go" harry said excited to see his REAL dad


told you it would be longer i have major plans for the next chapter byeeeeeeeee next chapter will bee even longer lol this is going to be a long story

a veela's crush drarryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt