Chapter 32- What happend?

Start from the beginning


"I'm not gonna not sleeping in my bed, so if you don't like it sleep on the couch."
"But Tomoe can still sleep in your bed right?" Nanami asked holding Tomoe.
"Like hell. He can sleep on the floor. Dirty fox." Kurama through Tomoe on the ground.
"Don't do that!" I yelled and picked Tomoe up.
"However I don't mined you to sleeping my bed, especially you Kaiyō."
"Shut up bird brain. I'm not interested!" Tomoe through a leaf at Kurama as if to say leave her alone.
"Stupid fox." Kurama lunged at Tomoe and I dodged, clutching Tomoe tight and Kurama landed on the floor.
The bickering lasted for a good ten minutes.

We ended up collapsing on Kuramas bed. Exhausted.

-Flashback End-

"He's a yokai. Try to be on your guard a little."
"Tomoe. How do you feel?"
"Now that you are human you have to be more careful." He said sternly.
"What's going on?" Nanami grumbled as she awoke to the fuss.
"What did you say about me fox? Naw. It the little boy going woozy already. Looks like your teething fever hasn't gone down yet." He started to mess up Tomoes hair.
"Don't be so rough with him, okay." Nanami grabbed Tomoe and pouted.

"Getting a girl to come to your defence like that? Not bad Tomoe."
"Hey! What's wrong with being a girl!" I yelled and punched Kurama in the shoulder playfully.
"Nothing." He said a little to quickly.
"Right." I said in a sarcastic way. "I'm gonna go make breakfast. I vote pancakes. Who doubles that notion?"
"I do!" Nanami said putting her hand up.
I smiled and entered the kitchen.

Okay. Pancakes.
"Two cups of flour, One cup of milk, Two eggs, One quarter sugar..." I muttered the ingredients as I collected them and put them in the glass bowl. "Cook for five minutes on medium heat till bubbles stop forming then flip."

"Breakfast is ready!" I announced and Nanami came out of the bed room and sat at the table. I gave her three pancakes and placed the toppings on the table.

"We have to figure out how to get Tomoe and Kaiyō back to normal."
"Well my guess is if the lucky mallet did this to them then the lucky mallet is the only way to turn them back." Kurama stated, fixing his hair and putting a black trench coat on.
"Where are you going?" I asked as I sat down with my pancakes. Now that I was human I needed to eat every four to five hours. It was horrible. All of that time and energy used for cooking, eating then cleaning up.
"Rehearsal for a live performance."
"Oh." Nanami sighed.
"Well somebody looks awfully fore lord."
"What no I don't. I look fine." Nanami protested.
"Here's the spare key to my house along with my phone number." He produced a set of keys with a tag on the ring. "If anything happens, give me a call."
"Will do!" I waved at Kurama as he left.

"Tomoe? I'm going to go run a couple of errands. Is there anything you need me to pick up?"
"Not in those clothes your not. Go freshen up first!" I ordered.
"Ahh, fine." She grumbled and went into the bed room to get a spare change of clothes and then disappeared into the bathroom.

I decided to check on Tomoe. He was looking out the window.
"Tomoe are you alright?"
"I feel fine now."


I decided to go get some fresh are with Tomoe and Nanami considering Tomoe was up to it.
"So what about your school?"
"Oh, its Saturday. No school today." Nanami answered.
"So why are you wearing you uniform?" I asked. Honestly I just wanted to get on her nerves. It was boring being human.
"I have no spare change of clothes. Besides, getting you both back to normal is more important."

"You should worry about yourself." Both Tomoe and I said in unison.
"We shall take care of your own affairs." Tomoe finished.
"You shall? I don't know how you can your go tiny and Kaiyō seems to have no idea of how humans behave." Nanami teased.
"I can live just fine as a human. I just find it boring. Honestly, how do you humans live with such small minds and in such weak bodies?"
"What Kaiyō is trying to say is since you have been restored to your human self, you should live as a human. Do not worry about us." Suddenly, Tomoe collapsed.
"Tomoe!?" I picked him up gently. "His fever is worse."
"What can we do?"
"The only thing we can." I stood up and clutched Tomoe close. This could be the last time I hold him. "Hey lion dogs! We're ready!"

"Master Tomoe. Lady Kaiyō." The cheerful voices of the spirits echoed around us. "Have you finally decided to serve lady Narukami?"
"What are you to doing. You can just leave me!" Nanami begged but was knocked to the ground by a enchanted leaf.
"Face it. Your are incapable of doing anything! Let's go lion dogs." Tomoe said. He didn't mean any of that. I knew it. He knows Nanami is strong when she wants to prove a point so showing doubt in Nanami makes her perform stronger.

I sadly looked over at Nanami. She was close to tears.
"Sorry Nanami, but it's for the best. I'm sure Kurama will be happy to take you in till you find a place. Bye." I joined the spirits and Tomoe. We where then teleported to the Mikage shrine.

"Oh Tomoe I feel as if I've been waiting for you to show up for ever and ever." Narukami said in a babying voice. She was holding Tomoe close to her face and rubbing hers against his. She's touching Tomoe! I couldn't help but but feel jealousy. Not because of the face rubbing but because of the contract.

But I couldn't be helped. Narukami had made me her familiar and Tomoe was next. My orders where to sit in the corner with no noise till I was given an order and I had to comply. No matter how much I hated it.

"And in the end well you had no where else to go but this shrine." Oh my gosh. She's still ranting. Poor Tomoe was being forced to lay next to her. "Now, offer up your life to me. Isn't it exciting that you get to become my personal possession for all time." I didn't like her very much. She was to controlling. It was like she thought that everything and everyone he saw was hers and they had to follow her every command.

There was a cool tint to the air as I released it was now quite. I was in a white void. I scanned the area around me and spotted a small grey blotch in the distance. As I ran closer I realised it was Tomoe.
"Tomoe? What happens?"
"We are in Mikages mirror. Now, we wait." Mikages mirror. It is actually not a mirror.

The mirror is a gate way to a semi-timeless void. We still feel the minutes tick by but we do not age. If we are infected or sick, the virus doesn't spread as quickly as it would in the real world. As long as we were in here, Narukami couldn't hurt us. It was quite, peaceful, safe and cool. It was paradise after the events of the last few days. Now all we need to do is wait.


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