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You've probably guessed what this book is about by looking at the cover. And you might be ready to read, or you might need a little convincing. This book is a thousand times better than the internet. For one you can share it and actually interact with people. Crazy, right? It's also ordered and easy to find, and finally, this book could become your life long friend and the older sister you never had. It has everything from advice on boys to what to do on a rainy day to quick comebacks when you're in a pinch. You won't need anything else to guide you!

A little bit about us:
We're two friends that were once in the same school, but then moved to different states. I'm Sophie, and she's Cate! We both have a burning passion for writing. We have written a whole book called the Enconzira Chronicles, but it has yet to be published. Be on the lookout for it if it ever gets published! We're working on a teen fiction book that will be published on our Wattpad account soon. It's called Mischief Mansion, so be on your toes for that too!

So, without further ado, let's jump right in!

P.S. This book was started on April 24th of 2017. We're planning on being pretty active, but if you want us to update even more, please feel free to click the vote button! Thanks ♥️

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