Chapter 1 - The Beginning

Start from the beginning

“Sorry babes but I just had to do that.” Nicole says. She was my best friend at work and the only colleague I actually got along with. The others were just bleuh. Merely friends to be honest they just spoke to me in meetings and occasions or sometimes when we had to do group presentations and other work involving groups. Nicole was just like me only she was curvier with bigger bosoms, full lips like mine and piercing green eyes that contrasted her porcelain skin and fiery red hair. I on the other hand had big bum, medium sized boobs, light brown eyes and my hair was split in half where the top half was dark brown and the bottom was blonde-brown also not forgetting that I’ve got golden brown skin.

“You are one lucky fucking bitch! You are!” she sneered jabbing her finger towards me. I was a bit taken aback.

“What the hell you on about?” I asked innocently. Having absolutely no clue what she’s going on about. I perch on the edge of the desk. God knows whose office this was because it wasn’t neither of ours.

“Juiciest gossip in town!” she made exaggerated movements with her hands. I sat there looking clueless. “You bitch are one of those who got a gold envelope on their desk!”

“NOOO! SHIT! WAAYY!” I stood up and grabbed my bag ready to bolt straight to my office. She grabbed my arm stopping me.

“Remember what we talked about” she says nodding. I nod, remembering. We made an agreement that whenever one of us got a gold envelope on our desk we would be calm and gentle about it and not scream like others do. Anyways you might be wondering what this gold envelope was. Well inside every gold envelope is the vital top secret information about a celebrity who banks with us. If you get a gold envelope it means that you’ll become their personal banker for as long as they bank with us. If your one those unlucky people sometimes these celebrities might decide you’re not good enough and demand for a change in banker. If that happens you might get a warning if they make a bad complaint against you. You also get a raise each time you handle the clients very well.

Now we both made our way to my office, our heads held high. Reaching my office she closed the door behind her and we both screamed. Before I even got the chance to drop my bag and put my blazer on the back of my ultra-comfy chair, she had the envelope opened and was going through the documents. I take my seat and she sits opposite. She puts the documents down and we both go through it together.

“James Perry?” I look at her. Her eyes stare wide at me.

“Don’t tell me you don’t know who that is!” I shake my head.

“You know I have no single interest in football, right? How I’m I supposed to know him?”

“THE hottest singleton in singleville and not forgetting, best footballer in the world right now. That’s who James Perry is.” She explained.

“Really?” I go through the documents inputting some information into my computer.

“You know if I had him, I’ll be breaking that work and private matters rule.” She says.

“I know you will.” I say, smiling.

“I should leave you to it.” She winks and gets up about to leave.

“Lunch at the usual?”

“Yes and by the way, you look smoking hot today” she says as she closes the door.

Going through James’ documents I notice a few things missing. Their PAs are supposed to have these here by now. A knock on my door startles me.

“Come in.” I look up and there stands a man. A hot one in fact. He closes the door behind him and takes a seat.

“Hi. You must be Mr James Perry.” I get up extending my hand for a hand shake. I sit back down.

“And you must be…” he searches for my name tag.

“Selina Clarke. Your accountant for the duration you’re with us here at Allied & Co.” I gather his documents. “I notice there are a few missing information, Mr Perry.” He looked puzzled for a moment and then relaxed.

“That’s my fault. I must have forgotten.” He says leaning back into his chair.

“Well, we’ll need those documents before we can continue.” I get up grabbing my all access key and his documents. “Would you please follow me this way.” We make our way out of my office going pass people, some who looked like they’d just seen a ghost. He is just another human being. Wow. People these days.

“Mr Perry, we have to take photograph of you for our records since its seems –”

“Like I’m missing one.” He smiles, finishing my sentence. I nod as we get to the biometrics department.

“Mike?” I call as we enter the long corridor. Mike appears with a camera. I smile. The guy is always ready. “Mr Perry needs his photograph and fingerprint taken.”  Motioning to James Perry, who looks quite calm and collected. My colleagues have mentioned to me once or twice when they did what I’m doing now, their clients weren’t in the best of moods.

Afterwards we make our way back to my office. This time he holds the door for me as I go through and smiles at me. When we are going through his accounts he throws in a few pick-up lines.

“Mr Perry, we are told to keep business and private matters away from each other and I’d appreciate it if you could stop flirting with me.” I say kindly. He got up and sits on the edge of my desk nearer to me.

“I know you would mind a piece of me because I wouldn’t mind a piece of you.” I burst out laughing. He looks at me with a sexy grin on his face. What a cocky bastard.

“I think that’ll be it for today, Mr Perry. I have other clients to attend to.” I get up from my seat pointing to the door. “I’ll see you on your next appointment.” He took his seat back on the chair.

“I’m not going anywhere until you agree to go on a date with me.” He won’t be hard to get rid of. I gave him one of my sexy smiles.

“Here’s my number and address.” I scribble a random phone number and address on paper and handed it to him. “8 o’clock, I’ll be waiting.” He takes it and leaves.

“Prick. Thinks I’m one of those hoes you sleep around with. You’d better think again.”

After many weeks of rejection he still comes back strong. Wow he must be serious.

Finally, I agree to a date and give him my real details. And now look where we’re at.

Five months later. I’m just as famous if not more famous than he is. I’ve moved in with him. I’m cooking breakfast for him. Doing his laundry (I take it to the dry cleaners, I’m not a slave.) Getting cleaners to come and clean his apartment and some rare times when the cleaner can’t make it, I do the cleaning (very very rare).

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