Deal or No Deal

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"I'm pretty sure Charlotte hates you." Joe didn't look up from his iPad as he whispered the words to Pete.

Pete shrugged. Not really paying attention to what his curly headed colleague was going on about. They were discussing something more important than insignificant work rivalries. They were a few months from the biggest business merger this company had seen in decades. And just seconds away from their boss naming the leader of the deal.

"She's been glaring daggers at you since we sat down." Pete's lack of input didn't hinder Joe's obsessive need for conversation. "I'm surprised you aren't on fire under that look."

Pete reluctantly slid his gaze away from the report in front of him to look at the curvaceous blonde. She was seated directly across from him. And Joe was right. Her scowl was nothing short of deadly. It only seemed to deepen when their eyes connected briefly. Still, he couldn't give less of a fuck. His focus returned to his screen.

"I'm putting Peter Wentz in change of this contract." Billie Armstrong, the owner of the company, announced to the room.

A few of his coworkers congratulated him. He didn't bother thanking them. He knew when he walked into this meeting that he was going to be put in charge. No one else in this office was half as skilled as he was at making business deals. Not even Mr. Armstrong himself. Still, Pete nodded his thanks to the older man.

"Your first meeting with the head of Colman Enterprises will be directly after this meeting is dismissed." He continued. "Be prepared."

"Always, sir." When the hell was he not?


"Yes, sir?"

"You'll be taking minutes for the meeting."

"Thank you, sir." The words were stiff.

"That is all for today. Everyone, get back to work. Pete and Charlotte, head to boardroom three."

Billie closed his laptop. Everyone waited until he walked out of the room before they stood. Pete didn't stand up right away. He wanted to memorize a few figures before walking into the important meeting. Pretending he knew more about the business than he actually did never failed to impress.

He could feel Charlotte's gaze fixated on him. They were the only two in the room now. Which didn't really matter because he still didn't really care what her problem was. He was more annoyed than concerned.

Without even glancing in her direction, Pete stood and walked out of the room. She would have no choice but to follow him if she wanted to keep her job. He could hear the clicking sound of her ridiculously sharp heels on the tile floor. Struggling to keep up with his purposely fast pace.

The door to boardroom three was closed when he reached it. Which immediately sent out the signal that these people weren't going to be friendly. Oh well. Pete liked a challenge. He lifted his chin and stuck out his chest before opening the door.

There were two men and a woman sitting at the table in front of him. One man Pete automatically recognized as the founder and creator of Colman Enterprises. Colman Stump.  He was in his infamous navy suit. His gray, thinning hair brushed away from his face. Through he was only sixty eight years old, he didn't look a day under eighty. Owning a business that was failing must have aged him.

The woman sat on the other end of the table. Pete had no idea who she was. But she looked like her name could be Nancy or maybe Barbra. She was old too, was the point he was tying to make. She had the classic power cut hairstyle. Blunt at the shoulders. She was wearing a pantsuit instead of a skirt. Which meant she was trying to beat down the boarders of gender to be taken as seriously as the men in the room. Which she didn't need to do. Because Colman Stump was a got damn joke in Pete's eyes.

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