1. Remember

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"Blood. Everywhere. Im screaming. It takes the knife out of me... and... " I scream and jump back with tears in my eyes. The doctor looks at me. "Whats Your Name?" he says dismissing the fact im traumatized. "I-I Don't know"  I scream.  He walks up to me as a tear escapes my eye lid. my face looks broken and sad, Irritated from the tears. I try to remember. It hurts my brain. "Emma." The doctor says stern. "Thats your name" I breathe quietly through my mouth. I keep thinking, trying to remember as a tall man walks in. "Hey Sweetheart how are you??" he says excited. I don't know what he thinks he's doing calling me 'Sweetheart'. "Oh" the doctor says. "Thats your boyfriend Carl." Carl? I look at him. Something isn't right. I know it. I just have the urge to say: "Stay away from me!!!" I yell scrunching back against the wall. The doctor smiles. "She doesn't remember." He says while Carl nods. "I don't know who you people are!" I say as I dash out out the door. The world slows down as I run through the town. Pouring rain falls down with a mix of tears in my eyes as I collapse onto a bench crying, the sunset sky turns grey, Then Black.

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