Operation: Shopping

Start from the beginning

In fact she convinced him to go to another shop just a little way down from the previous shop, Katrina taking an amusing picture of them both with their numerous shopping bags as they walked down the St Petersburg streetand another with the flower crown snapchat filter and uploading onto her Instagram - Phichit liking it literally as soon as it was uploaded. Seeing her excited over clothes and playing with filters on her phone, not thinking about expectations or all the drama going on in her life - she looked her age for once. A regular 15 year old girl that loved shopping - A LOT.

Of course he hadn't mentioned the elephant in the room for obvious reasons. But his attempt to cover up such awkwardness he felt about the situation may not have been any better.

"You and Yurio seem close," Yuuri immediately regretted that as soon as he saw Katrina's brow arch, as if she daring daring him to continue in a 'you want to play that game?' fashion as she continued to look through racks of clothing. "I-I-I mean you two seem like really good friends."

"Well...we're the same age,we're both young figure skaters, we both like fashion and scary movies..." Katrina trying her hardest not to let her feelings for the Russian punk. Sure he was no Disney prince, Katrina was under no impression of him being perfect, Yuri could be rude and easily angered. But despite his flaws, she still liked him, he saw her beyond 'Viktor Nikiforov's sister' and she saw him beyond the 'Russian punk'. Like she could tell Yuuri that, she didn't want her brother involved or Yuri to find out how she felt - not only would it ruin their friendship but he could possibly be murdered by Viktor as well. "Is me having friends a bad thing?"

"N-n-no you can have as many friends as you want to," Yuri panicking, caught between flailing his arms around and bracing himself incase she hit him, his words also racing from his mouth in a similar fashion, "have hundreds of friends, you have as many as you like I'm sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean to I'm really sorry," Yuuri now on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness.

Katrina simply laughed at his antics, "your so funny Yuuri," turning back to the clothes rack, lifting up a cornfield blue blazer. "I know it wasn't you fault Yuuri," stunning the Japanese man that was currently on his knees still with misleveled glasses and a confused look on his face, "if your being awkward because you think you stole my brother from me I have no ill intent towards you. I just kinda want to get to know you a little, find out what makes everyone talk about you." When she looked back at the disheveled Japanese man still on his knees with his glasses hanging off and a completion as pale as a ghost, he could see that there truly wasn't any ill intention  or feelings of bad blood between them, "you are Yuuri Katsuki and that's all I'll view you as."

Yuuri was a little stunned at her maturity, she could of easily put so much blame on him for what happened last year - that he was the one Viktor had chosen over staying with her - and yet she didn't take the childish route to play the blame game. In fact here she was helping him shop for clothes, she wasn't gaining anything from helping him (except maybe charging everything to one of Victor's credit cards) and some people wouldn't help the person that stole their family away from them.

Yuuri sighed in relief and got to his feet, "hey," Katrina looking up at him again, "why don't you go find something you like too...my treat...as a little thank you for helping me today."

She looked taken back for a second, "umm ok," throwing the blue blazer over to yuri, she looked a little surprised at the offer but she didn't turn it down, heading to the women's section - yuri quickly following in the hopes of not losing her.

Soon enough he was the one waiting outside the dressing room in its little waiting area, he checked his phone to surprisingly find a bunch of texts from Yurio of all people.

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