Movie Night

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"I'm not jealous of that piggy," Yuri grumbled, scooping up popcorn from the bowl with his hand, stuffing it into his mouth and angrily chomping at it.

Katrina smirked, reaching over and grabbing a handful for herself before Yuri ended up scoffing it all in his totally-not-jealous rage. "I never said you were," she clarified with an amused smile, Yuri's cat already asleep on her lap, "we go shopping together all the time."

"That's not the point," Yuri muttered, bored of the movie adverts and the fact that his cat had once again took Katrina's side was just an extra punch to the gut.

"Why? Not like I'm your girlfriend or anything."

Yuri choked on the popcorn in his mouth before defensively shouting, "what the hell! Like hell I'd want to date someone as annoying as you!"

Katrina laughed amusingly at the poor kitty (and it wasn't the sleeping feline on her lap), completely unfazed by the shade the blonde was trying to throw at her. "Your so funny Yurio"

"Don't you even think about calling me that too!"

Katrina didn't know why she found it both amusing and intriguing to tease the blonde haired boy like so, maybe it was how cute he was when he got all agitated, his blonde hair falling over his face, his green eyes ablaze with passion and inner fire, how he'd pout his pale lips...

Yet she knew he wasn't truly angry at her, when he was truly angry or annoyed his eyes were cold like ice ready to cut someone with one dark look, but his eyes right now - they were fire. Beautiful emerald fire.


"Owwww," Katrina rubbed her head, sitting back up with the offending object that had hit her, Yuri's cat running off to a quieter spot, "why did you do that Yuri? So meaaaannnnn."

"The movie is starting," Yurio grumbled, not exactly apologizing for  hitting her head with a pillow, "you were the one that wanted to watch this."

To be honest Katrina wasn't 100% interested in watching the film and had just wanted an excuse to come over to Yuri's so she didn't have to watch Mila and her date suck each others faces off. Mila was nice for letting her stay in the guest room of her flat but there were lines and well the walls were not as thick as Mila might believe. So sleepover at Yuri's it was.

And Yuri was totally fine with that...apparently...against his better judgement.

She got changed into her pjs in the bathroom while he quickly changed in his room, trying to stay casual and cool but completely failing when he saw her grey Neko Atsume hooded cape cloak  ( I own this and it is super comfy  also dear any artists I'd love to see this for the sake of cuteness) and had a one in a yellow colour for himself, which resulted in some selfies together against his better judgement. Why did she have to be so damn cute?

This was going to be a long night for the teenage boy.

Yuri wasn't even paying attention to the film, his gaze kept being averted to the silver haired girl next to him, his cat returning to sit between them now that it wasn't in danger of being hit. There was a warmth in his chest - he wasn't sure if he liked it, it made his heart beat so fast that he couldn't hear any of the films dialogue, his hands trembled with nerves he didn't think he had so he buried them in the cloak pockets. She made the great Russian tiger weak. He didn't like it, he hated feeling weak - even coming second place would infuriate him, but at the same time he couldn't push her away as there was a strange comfort to it. They sat it a comfortable silence as they watched the film...and second one...and third- admittedly he took note of the death via Zamboni from one for...purposes mainly to do with a certain piggy.

The Other NikiforovOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz