Operation: Shopping

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A few days had past since the coffee shop incident, everyone at the rink seemingly to be acting like they were walking on egg shells, a few were divided on the situation and tensions were high already with the Russian nationals approaching. Yuuri of course hated confrontation, he wanted to stay away from the brewing civil war with the ice rink as much as possible  - he really didn't like shouting and arguing. Walking down the streets of St Petersburg, knowing Viktor was already threatening to cut his current tie to shreds if he wore it at the Russian nationals and he wouldn't care who watched, shopping for clothes wasn't his forte, phicit helped him (i.e. picked majority of his clothes) in Detroit or he'd simply go for what looked like it could cover his off season stomach. He had really not expected this...

"Your going to have to burn that jumper," Katrina taking Yuuri by the arm and heading to the nearest store, "and don't get me started on that tie you wore for interviews."

"Where are we going?" Yuuri frantic as the surprisingly strong 15 year old girl, whom had also appeared out of nowhere, dragged him along the pavement.

"To get you better clothes, I certainly cant let you be seen with that tie at the Russian nationals," Katrina marching into the store.

"What's wrong with my tie?" Yuuri glancing nerviously at the racks of shirts, pants and ties around him, he could feel the gaze of the staff members on him, probably wondering what he was doing in their store.

She sat the dazed Japanese skater down on one of the shoe section stools, her shopping bags either side of him, she chatted to a sales assistant in Russian before she disappeared among the racks.

"Seriously whats wrong with my tie," Yuuri had no idea what he had gotten himself into but he could't just get up and leave - he feared the petite silver haired girl would just drag him back then again she probably had the shop staff on her side by now. Just like Viktor, he could not say no, no matter how much he really should for the sake of his sanity.

A little while later she returned with the staff lady she had spoken to plus another member of staff who all had clothes in their arms.

"Dress up time!" Katrina sang, taking Yuuri's arm again and leading him to the dressing room area, which seemed to be completely deserted as if Katrina had privately booked it just for them, and throwing some clothes into his arms before pushing him into the nearest cubical, "shout if you need any help."

After a few minutes of some incoherent mumbling and sighing, Yuuri eventually and a little timidly stepped out of the changing cubical and a few of the staff, male and female, did a few double takes while Katrina simply squealed and jumped up and down - Yuuri tried to take it as a good sign and not a prank.

He did a double take of himself in the mirror, "wow," the youngest Nikiforov could work miracles. She had dressed him a blue blazer with matching pants, a white shirt, a skinny black tie, dark grey socks and leather oxfords.

She took his glasses off and pushed his hair back as well, smiling at her creation, "see this is what you need to wear to your next press conference."

Yuuri was having to squint without his glasses but he had to admit, it was liking going from a 2 to a 10 in comparison to his regular suit, and yet, "it's still me."

"Of course," Katrina smiling, resting her arm on his shoulder, "the outside might be new but it only highlights what was already there. Okay next outfit."

They ended up spending hours in that shop with Yuuri trying on so many different clothes, getting more and more surprised by the outfits Katrina had put together and at how hot he looked in them. And...he was actually having fun with Katrina at a task, ie clothes shopping, which he usually hated - he had completely forgotten about the coffee shop incident.

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