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"Adios best friend " they let go and we headed out the door. I walked ahead to open the door for her so she could get in and she smiled shyly.

"Thanks" she mumbled getting into the car. I jogged to the driver side and got in and looked at her.

"You look beautiful " she looked at me and blushed .

"Why thank you ." I'm usually talkative, but I can barely get a sentence out right now. My nigga get it together damn.

"So where we going?" I was snapped out of my thoughts as I looked at her again.

"Well I feel like a movie is too basic and we should do something different sooooo .."

"Sooo what? " I smiled. I started the car and got on the road.

"It's something I know you'll really like ." I glanced over at her to see her with her bottom lip poked out. I looked back at the road.

"That's not telling me where we going thooooo" I shrugged and kept driving and stopped at a red light.

"You'll love it baby girl just relax " she glanced out the window and held her smile but her dimple showed showing that she was a little.


"Alright close your eyes " she looked up from her phone with curious eyes. I put the car in park.

"Lemme find you tryna kidnap me ." I laughed.

"You willingly got in the car now close your eyes " she giggled but closed them . I got out and jogged over to her side opening her door and unbuckling her seat belt and gently pulled her out and closing and locking the door behind her.

"Corey please don't let me fall " she mumbled but loud enough where I could hear her. She squeezed my hand a little for reassurance that I won't let her fall and I squeezed back.

"I won't I promise " we got on the side walk and we walked a little before I stopped her.

"Okay you can open your eyes now " she opened them and gasped putting her hand over her mouth while the other still holding mine. Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as she looked at me.

"How'd you know about this? " I shrugged swinging our hands a little.

"I overheard you and Rose talking about it in class and I knew you really wanted to go so why not? Surpriseee " she blushed and gave me a hug . I hugged her back and took in her sweet perfume before we both let go.

"The poetry slam is one of hardest places to get into how'd you-"

"I know a guy baby girl, but let's go get our seats it's almost starting."

We gave the guy at the door our tickets and came in to sit down. I looked around and it was like I belonged here. The vibe here was calm but intense.A man with Iverson braids and in a black dashiki and pants and timbs walked on the stage and looked around at the crowd before speaking .

"Welcome to The Poetry Slam , I am James but I hate that name so call me Jay and I welcome the new comers and ...the rest of y'all " the crowd laughed .

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