The Necklace

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The beautiful song that my alarm clock sang as 6 am flashed in red reminding me it was my favorite part of the day - not. I slowly brought my right hand out from my warm covers and turned off the annoying object.

"Another day of nothingness," I said to myself as I rolled out of bed.

Something you should know about me: I have crap life and I want a better one. Technically, my crap life isn't that bad, and is mostly my fault. Growing up I was given everything from the newest styles to a garage full of cars. I had it all, at least that's what everyone thought. The thing is those things meant absolutely nothing to me; What I wanted couldn't be bought with all the money in the world. What I wanted was adventure - to go on a big quest to save the day and be a hero like from all my favorite movies and books, but I'm not sure if you noticed that that's not how life works. Eventually I had to grow up, get a job, and give up hope for a letter from Hogwarts. I had to realize that there's not a prince charming that's going to come along and with one glance know I'm the one then take me to his castle. There's not any wardrobes that lead to a magical world (trust me I have checked them all). There might be a galaxy far, far away, but it's not like I'm ever going to see it. I'm just an average nineteen-year-old girl who decided not to go to college, still lives with her mommy, and works at a small diner downtown. That's right - I'm a screw up.

I put on my favorite outfit a black shirt, black skinny jeans, black combat boots and my army green military jacket. Yes, I know that's a lot of black, but sorry not sorry I like what I like. I brushed out my messy bed hair and placed it in a nice side braid that fell down off my shoulder. I began to put on some simple make-up (because why not?) when I was stopped by the doorbell. I ran downstairs, went to the door and opened it to discover there was no one there. I peeked my head out the door to see that the neighborhood was completely quite.

"Well that was strange," I thought. What was this 2005 who plays ding dong ditch anymore? Running back up the stairs to finish getting ready for work, I went back to my desk to apply my make-up while rocking out to some Beyonce music when I noticed something in the mirror. Something strange - something that wasn't there before. I turned and stood up from my desk to get a better look at this unfamiliar object. There was a box sitting on the floor in the middle of my room. Where the heck did this come from? How did I not see it earlier? I picked up the mysterious box and brought it over to my desk so I could study it. Pushing my make-up aside I decided this was the universe's way of telling me I didn't need make-up today. The box was beautiful: it appeared to be made of gold and on the top of the golden box there were words engraved, but I could not read it. It was in a completely different language.

"Extraordinary," I said out loud to myself as I ran my hand across the top of the golden box. What's inside? Should I open it? How did it get in my room? It couldn't of been mom because she's out of town. So who put it in my room? Maybe it just appeared out of thin air - maybe it was magic. As more and more questions ran through my head I made the decision to open the golden box. If there are tapes in here with thirteen reasons why someone killed them self I'm done, you hear me? Done!

I flipped the small latch on the front of the golden box, placing my hands on the lid that I began to open. I looked inside and found a small brown leather book it like the box had the same wording across the front. I brought the small book out of the golden box and into my hands. I flipped through the pages of the book to get a quick idea of what was inside and lucky for me it was in English. It was more like a journal, inside were thoughts of someone called "The Traveler". What type of name is The Traveler? I looked once again in the golden box to find a torn folded peace of paper and a gold chain. I opened the peace of paper, unfolding it one side at a time.

"Beware the burden of the necklace," the torn peace of paper read. What burden could a necklace be? I wondered, placing the paper aside.

I took a hold of the gold chain laying at the bottom of the box. Bringing the chain up out of the box I found that it wasn't just a chain but a pendent as well. A small round set stone hung from the chain. I held the the necklace up to the light, coming through my window to get a better look at the stone. The stone had looked to be clear until the light hit it making it appear to change colors. It was amazing, I felt almost under a trance while looking at the mysterious object. I was brought back to reality by the sound of my phone notifying me that I had received a text. I set the necklace on my desk as I walked over to my bedside table to see who sent me a message. I looked down at the screen of my phone, but before I could see who sent me the text I noticed the time. It was 6:55: I was going to be late for work, again!

I put the brown leather book back in the golden box along with the torn piece of paper and hid it under my bed I decided to wear the mysterious necklace. What harm is there in wearing a necklace?

The traveler a Star Wars fanficWhere stories live. Discover now