Chapter 4

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When Ben and I arrived at the temple, we found that master Luke wasn't there; He was taking care of important matters elsewhere, and wouldn't be back for a few weeks. In the meantime, Ben said I was welcome to stay at the temple until Luke returned and decided what to do with me. The room that I was showed to was absolutely beautiful: a larger room that had a queen size bed in the center and a balcony that looked out over the valley with the stars shining bright above. It was like a dream, and maybe it was but I don't mind having to live in a world so far from the distraction that reality causes.

So much has happened in the past couple weeks as I spent time here at the Jedi temple. The first few days were definitely the hardest, as the students here at the temple made it plenty clear that I wasn't welcome, as they often reminded me that I wasn't one of them. The only person I had to talk to was Ben, who just like me: not very populer at the moment. As the weeks went by things began to get better as some of the other students began to at least look at me with out glaring me down. I'm not souposed to tell anyone about this, but while staying at the temple, Ben has taught me how to use the Force - kinda. He explained to me how everyone has the Force within them, just some have it stronger. Though its a long shot to consider, I asked Ben to train me in the ways of the Force. Even though he thought it to be absolutely crazy trying to train me, my puppy dog eyes convenced him. So for the past two weeks, after everyone goes to bed, Ben comes and gets me from my sleeping quarters to go train. I haven't been able to use the Force yet, but just you wait, I'll be moving things with my mind in no time, hopefully.

It was ten till the time when Ben usually came to get me to train. I brushed out my long curly brown hair then pulled it back up into a ponytail. I only had two outfits: the one I was wearing when I arrived in this world, and then the one Ben gave me, a black t-shirt that was a little big for my petite size and legging-type material pants that he found in my size. I put on the leggings along with the black t-shirt that I tucked in to give it a more form-fitting style. I slipped on my black combat boots, sat back on my bed, and waited for Ben's arrival.

As I sat waiting I thought about the real reason I was here, although I really had no clue of who I was here to help. I sometimes wonder if the necklace made a mistake bringing me here, because it doesn't seem like anyone here is a danger to the world. I stopped trying to have the necklace tell me my reason here because every time I asked I received the same answer: "You still have much to learn, young one; You'll know in time." The pesky thing under my skin constantly reminded me of this. A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts. I stood from off my bed and went toward my door. I swung my door open to see Ben on my doorstep but there was something different about him - He looked... sad? Angry? Confused? Or maybe all of the above. I had just seen him a few hours before at dinner and he seemed fine. What had changed between then and now?

"We won't be training tonight. Things have changed," he said sternly.

"What things?"

"Things that don't concern you," he said angrily as he pushed past me, entering my room. He walked over to my bed and brushed off the wrinkles in my pillows.

"I want you to leave," he said, still with his back turned to me, looking at my bed.

"I don't understand. Have I done something wrong?"

"It's not what you've done - it's what you're going to do," Ben said, turning around and gave me a deathly glare as he threw a small brown bag in my direction.

"Pack your things. You had better not be here when I return," he said, beginning to make his way to the door.

"Ben?" I softly uttered, stopping him at the door. "What happened? I thought we were friends."

"You thought wrong. I would never be friends with the likes of you - you're just not good enough. Isn't that you're greatest weakness?" Ben said, coming closer to me. "As a child you were given everything, but nothing that you truly wanted. No one will ever care about you."

"Get out of my head," I said, stepping back from him. He smirked, turning away toward the door again and walking away, slamming it loudly behind him.

Had that just happened? That was not Ben. That was a monster that, to the eyes, appeared to be Ben. As I pondered about what had just happened, I felt tears begin to steam down my face. I packed the bag that Ben had given me with my few belongings, tied my green army jacket around my waist, and was on my way. I ran down the path that Ben brought me on to bring me to the temple just a couple of weeks before. Tears continued to fall down my face; Why the heck was I even in this stupid situation? That's right, because I'm the idiot that put on that stupid necklace, I said to myself turning my run into an angry walk.

"Turn back!" I heard the necklace proclaim.

"Are you crazy? I'm not ever going back there!"

"You must go back. Ben is the one you're here to help and if you don't go back, something terrible will happen."

"If Ben is the one that I'm here for, I'm sorry to say that I can be of no help. Did you see the way he looked at me? Did you not hear the things he said to me? What makes you believe that he'll listen to anything I have to say? What's the point?"

"The point is that if you don't turn around right now and stop Ben from doing what he's about to do, thousands will die." I stopped in my tracks as the words the necklace said played on repeat in my head. I looked behind me at the path that lead to the temple, then I looked at the path ahead of me. I stood in thought for a few moments until I finally made up my mind.

I quickly ran down the small path in the woods, heading right to the temple. But when I arrived, it was too late. The temple was up in flames. I heard screams coming from inside the temple. I ran faster, only for the screams to stop, because all their lifeless bodies were laying on the ground: They were dead. Ben couldn't of done all this. He couldn't of killed everyone. But I was proven wrong when I turned the corner and saw him strike down one of his fellow students right before my eyes. I couldn't move. I could barely take breaths of the air which this monster and I had to share.

"Take me away from here," I ordered the necklace.

But there is still a chance you ca-"

"Still a chance?!" I demanded. "He has killed everyone," I said, my voice cracking. Now take me away from here - far away anywhere. Now." I said these words louder in my mind then I had before. The necklace listened to my command and took me to a land far away.

....................7 years later.................
All I could feel was a striking pain throughout my entire body. I was cold, lost, and alone. The wind mixed with the snow pierced my skin like daggers. I was getting weaker and weaker with every step I took also beginning to become hard to see; Next thing I know, everything went black.

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