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Chapter 6-

My tears blurred up my vision. This was all a setup. I questioned the legitimacy of the letter sent from the Fantasmic Film Corporation and Christine Sanchez.

Karrin gave me a hug to comfort me. She whispered into my ear something I'd remember for the rest of my life. She said 'Teary eyes only see a blurry reality.' Then she kissed my cheek and gave me a shoulder to cry on.

This is why my friends mean so much to me. They are there for me.

"Teary eyes do see a blurry reality," I said. "Nice rhyme," I laughed. "Thanks."

After about 5 minutes, I got up. We must find my daughter.

And the way to get more information is to visit the person who set us up.

Christine Sanchez.

I need to get to that meeting, formal attire or not.

I explained the meeting to Karrin.

"We need to get there early," I declared. "So let's get moving."

We jumped back into Karrin's truck. I brought along some food. We were really hungry.

We arrived at the building about 20 minutes later. I entered the tall, silver building. I approached the from desk. The desk was beautifully designed from Quartz, and the floor was made with redwood that creaked slightly beneath our feet.

I asked the brunette at the front desk, "May we see Christine Sanchez?" She looked at me in the eye as if I was insane. "Chr-chr-... Christine Sanchez?" she stuttered. I suddenly felt a little less confident with this plan. "Yes ma'am. I have a letter from her telling us to meet her. We decided to come slightly early. By a couple of days."

Her eyes widened even more. "She what?"

"It doesn't matter. Can you just tell me where I can find her?"

"Fourth floor. 4B. Are you sure you don't want to come later?"

She seemed very desperate to get me away.

"No thank you ma'am," I said, cheerfully accepting my likely death.

I hurried up the stairs, skipping a step at a time. When I reached the fourth floor and turned around to make sure Karrin was still behind me. When we found 4B, we approached the door.

"Ready?" I asked. "When you are."

I knocked on the door. Almost instantly, the door opened, as if the person inside knew I was coming. A short brown haired women appeared. She was a few inches shorter than me.

"Christine Sanchez?" I asked. "That's me." "I have a few questions." "Sure," she said, "but what is your name?"

"Gordon Watson."

The words almost had an instant effect in her. Her eyes widened for half of a second. Then she went for her ankle to grab a concealed pistol.

Did I mention Karrin used to be in the military?

Karrin instantly twisted Christine's arm. She put her in a lock where she could break Christine's arm at will. Christine kicked Karrin in the knee. She fell onto her knees.

Christine pulled her gun out and pointed it at Karrin's spine.

But she forgot that I was there.

I tackled her, and smashed her out the window. We were wrestling on the balcony of the office, but it's hard to wrestle with a concussion, a bad knee, and a long cut on your arm. Christine pressed my back against the fence to push me off.

"You should've died at that factory, just like Jocelyn did!"

Anger flowed through me. I began to push back, then I realized that wouldn't work. I lifted Christine to throw her off the building. If I was going to die, I was taking her with me.

She flew over the fence and began to fall taking me with her.

And Karrin threw out her hand, and grabbed mine, saving me from falling.

As we watched Christine fall down, breaking her legs, screaming.

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