He leaned down until their faces were mere inches apart. "Listen, you brat." He practically spat in her face. "If you're looking for trouble, rest assured, you won't find it here. All I need is to pick your brain for a decent enough routine, and both of us will be spared each other's company for the rest of our lives. And if you don't help out... well, treat this as a warning. Trouble will be knocking at your door."

He pulled back with a smug look on his face. Like he thought he'd actually won.

Oh boy was he wrong.

Ember slammed her locker door with her own hand and stepped closer to Jesse. He didn't move and just watched her though she could still see the surprise in his eyes. What, like he's never been stood up to before?

          "Then I'm warning you, honey. If you dare threaten me again, I will make sure trouble lands a big fat knuckle sandwich to your face." Then she walked past him without bothering to put her bag in her locker. She couldn't stand being near the spoiled brat anymore.

She didn't mean to be violent with her comeback but she was done being a stepping stone to other people. Just because she danced, people started to notice her. So what if she could dance? Was there nothing else about her that others could take note of?

          Jaden noticed you. Even when he didn't know you danced.

Unconsciously, her thoughts always went back to Jaden. Heck, she couldn't eat a meal in her kitchen now without thinking of him opposite her, making her laugh with his antics. She smiled to herself as she thought of the comical things he did the day before at her house.

Then the time he touched her cheek. She held her hand to her cheek as she remembered the feeling of his hand there, the way his dark eyes were practically looking into her soul.

          Lost in the memories of that day, she accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry."

Sonofagun, it was the guy himself.

          "Hey Ember," said Jaden. "You okay?" He bent down a little to look at her face when she looked away from him. Dang it, she was blushing!

          She stuttered out some things before getting a grip on herself. "Yes, I'm fine. Completely fine. 100 percent great." She even started swinging her arms and her face was probably twisted into the weirdest grin ever. "See, just fine and dandy. You don't have to worry about a thing, sugar plum."

          Sugar plum? Oh, someone shoot me now.

           He raised an eyebrow at her but there was an amused grin on his face. "Oookay. Whatever you say, Ember. You feeling okay?" He reached out to touch her forehead but before his hand made contact with her skin, for which she was grateful, she was pulled back by her arm to a solid chest.

          'Oof." She stumbled a little and tried to orient herself on her feet again. Whaddaheck?

          "Hey there, Jaden. I see you and my honey-bun are getting along great," said Jesse in awfully chipper tone.


Gasps sounded and silence ensued

Ember froze as Jesse pulled her into his side and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She was too shell-shocked to even explain herself to Jaden who seemed equally as frozen as she was. Jesse just continued on with his monologue.

          "So listen, your idea about getting Ember to help out with our routine was brilliant. We just got together last night at her place and what can I say," he looked down at her with a grin she thought was evil, "Her talent is as breathtaking as her beauty. And she makes great spaghetti."

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