Rehearsals heating up

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Brittany's POV
Today was the first day of rehearsals for the TNS Live on Stage Tour 2017 and I honestly couldn't be more excited. We had already gotten a schedule for all the dances that were planned, there were a few group dances, some small groups and of course duets. I was fortunate enough to have a duet, those were always my favourite, because you were able to really connect with one partner instead of having to pay attention to a whole group of people.

Of course I had been paired with Trevor to do a duet, it was nothing unexpected since we had been dancing partners for over 5 years now.

I walked into the building where we would have rehearsals for the next few weeks before going on tour. I was immediately greeted by Amy who would help us out with choreography when needed. "Victoria, Isaiah, Briar and Trev are already stretching in that room," she said as she pointed to the door on my left. "Thank you," I said and I walked into the room. I said hi and gave everyone a hug.

Soon enough everybody else had arrived and we were all ready to start rehearsals, so Amy came in to explain the feel every dance should have, the opening dance for example should have a very welcoming and happy feel to it. After explaining the group dances she went on to duets: "So Briar and Myles, you two of course have great chemistry" they gave each other a sweet smile "that is why I want you to choreograph a dance that fits both of your styles and don't be afraid to show a little of your romantic side," Amy said. We all smiled. Briar and Myles had been dating for quite a while now and it was really sweet to see how they brought out the best in each other.

"Then we have Trev and Britt," Amy started, "for you I have something different in mind than your usual tour dances if that's okay with you two?" Trevor and I looked at each other and he gave me a soft smile. "Now you're scaring us Amy!" Trevor laughed and she started laughing as well. "Okay so normally your dances are pretty upbeat and fun which is amazing, but for this year I thought it would be nice to have a duet that is a little slower and shows a little more passion. As we've all been able to see on set, you clearly have the chemistry, so if the choreography shows that, then the fans will love it! Good luck everybody," she said and we all separated and went to different rooms to rehears in small groups or duos.

Trevor's POV
Brittany and I walked out the door to our rehearsal room in silence, which was weird for us. I guess we were both just a little shocked by what Amy had told us to do. We walked into the room with big mirrors on one wall and put our bags on the side.

"Uhm so.... A more passionate duet?" Brittany said. "Yeah," I answered, "I guess that's what the fans wanna see. It's a bit weird for me though, not gonna lie. I'm not very good at contemporary and stuff, so you're gonna have to help me with that." "Are you kidding me? You're amazing at comtemporary! Remember the duet at internationals?" she asked. I nodded, "I've never felt that safe and comfortable doing a duet with anyone, so don't you dare say that again mister." I laughed. I never knew that she felt this comfortable around me. Yes I felt really comfortable around her too, but neither of us had ever really put it into words like that. "Okay I loved doing that duet too," I said, "maybe we can even use some elements from it? And I also loved the Ralfie vs. Jiley dance in season 4, that one lift, where I spin you around in the air and I catch you and slowly put you down, might work well in this duet too." After that the ideas just came rolling out. Britt and I worked so well together that putting together choreography and still having fun with it was a piece of cake.

About 20 minutes later we decided that it was time to start practising to see what it would look and feel like when doing it. We had choreographed it until the lift from the Jiley vs. Ralfie dance. She started the music and we started dancing.

Pretty soon we came to the lift I had been talking about, I grabbed her by her waist and threw her up in the air to immediately catch her after she had turned to face me again. I held her by her waist and one leg, as we had done before. I slowly put her down, our faces just millimetres apart from each other. I could hear her breathing heavily and the music still played softly in the background. I looked at her and saw that she was looking up at me too. Our eyes met and it felt like time stood still.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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