Men and Women: Different as Day and Night

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Had I known the complete insanity that would ensue after asking Helena to marry me, we would’ve eloped. We wanted to do this right.

My Mom was as bad as Helena and Leah when it was time for making plans and they seemed to get their best ideas when they were all together. They were all together every single Sunday. My parents and her parents started the “every other week dinner” and that’s what we did on Sunday afternoons. One week at the McBride Ranch and the other week at the Marshall’s.

The women would start cleaning up after dinner, and the men would go outside to get as far away as possible. You could hear them on the front porch with their excitement and lady’s talk. There were a few things I heard that made me laugh, and a few that I don’t think they intended for us to hear. Ever.

I tried to rescue Helena, but she was engrossed in some story or another about my childhood. Jay and I definitely knew how and where to find trouble as youngsters. Mom knew how and where to find us just in time for us to not endanger our lives, or anyone else’s. And then we’d get a good spanking, too. Helena roared with laughter. That made me smile. I went back to the porch to talk with Pop and Mike. It was safer out there.

I left all of the planning to them, too. I told Helena to just tell me when and where, and I’ll be there. She said, “YOU’D BETTER!” And giggled.

As the ladies went on with the planning, and the men went outside to escape it, we talked, and often. I really began to know who Mike was and why he was so protective of Helena.

“When Leah and I married, we thought we would have a really large family. She wanted eight children! As a man, I was willing to help in any way I could.” We all laughed. “She found out she was carrying our first child six weeks after we married. She was glowing. The joy was bubbling out of her over this child. But, as things go, she was told by the doctors that she might not be able to carry any children to term due to her small size. She miscarried four children; all within the first two years. We were certain she would never have any. Then, two years after that, as she had begun to give up hope, she discovered she was pregnant again. She almost could not get excited because she thought she wouldn’t get to have this one as well. To our surprise, we were blessed with Helena. She came a few weeks early. She was healthy, and crying. And the most beautiful child I’ve ever seen in my life. She continues to be. Leah suffered more hardships. She had to have her womb removed. Depression set in, but Helena was her reason for living and breathing.  Helena continues to be the joy of Leah’s life.”

Pop, listening intently and puffing his pipe, then said to Mike, “Rachel went through something similar. We have the two boys the Lord gave us, and we will get to meet our other children in Glory, but it hurts a man to watch his wife grieve over her children, knowing he can do nothing to change it or fix it. But,” he grinned, “the best part was trying for more, right?” He and Mike guffawed, and I was a little shocked, but grinned. I had never heard Pop say anything like that before. “What does the Bible say about rejoicing with the wife of my youth?” They laughed harder. Finding joy in difficulty makes one stronger. My thoughts turned serious.

“Mike? I think it would be wise for me to come back to town until Helena and I are married. The temptations are great, and I want to honor her wishes. And keep my hide intact.”

“That’s a subject I was going to talk to you about sooner than later, Jack. I’m glad you decided to move. You are still coming to work every day, right?”

“Mike, any excuse to see Helena is a good one. I will be there every single morning, at dawn.”

“Good! I like you, Jack. You make my daughter happy.”

“Boss, she makes me happy. But, now I understand your need to protect her. She was indeed a rare blessing to you and Leah.”

“I pray you are blessed with many children.” We laughed at the implications

A Love That Time Cannot Erase (#2 -  Eternal Love Series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें