The Sacred Silver Necklace

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Waking up to the sound of police sirens, your eyes opened up, neck paining you from the position you had fallen asleep in. About to lift your hand up, you realized it was caught. Looking down, you blushed. How had you forgotten about Ben being there? You couldn't believe he actually stayed...

Hearing soft snores, you turned your head to see Ben's own lied back against the couch, completely knocked out.

Smiling, you carefully slid your hand out of his own as you stood up, but as you had, Ben woke up. Hearing light grunting, you looked over to see Ben's eyes fluttering open. "Morning..." You awkwardly smiled as he then looked at you, groggy as ever—which was quite adorable to experience first hand.

"What time is it?" He questioned, voice coming out far more deeper than normal. A true morning voice.

"Uh..." looking at your wrist watch, you nodded, "half past seven. I don't know if you're well enough to drive back home but you are more than welcome to st—" Not even able to finish your sentence, Ben lied on the couch and knocked right back out. "Okay, yeah... go with the latter."

Letting him be as it was the least you could do for keeping him there all night, you moved to your bedroom. You decided you were going to miss out on classes and just attend work. After all, you really had to catch up on your studying... but maybe after you continued your sleep.

Falling onto your bed and instantly knocking out, your mind went dark.

Lying on the grass and slowly backing up, seeing the vicious eyes the tan wolf had on them, your breath hitched. This wasn't how you wanted to go, not by the jaws of a ravenous animal. Not like this, not in such a gruesome way.

Continuously crawling back as your heart raced, the animal was just about ready to attack you, your arm instantly lifting up in self defense, yet the impact never came.

Slowly opening your eyes and lowering your arm, there stood the black wolf, growling at the tan one. Snapping and hissing, standing in a manor as if it were ready to attack in no time, your chest ached. Watching the tan wolf run off, the black one turned and faced you, silver eyes peering into your own.

Forcing yourself awake, you took in deep breaths. A part of you wanted nothing but to go back into the preserve and find that wolf. Why was it so protective of you and why did it seem to care?

Although you claimed to never want to go back in there, a piece of you couldn't help but want to go back. To see that lone, black wolf. But, how, if evil lurked and you were too afraid?

Hearing your front door close, you stood up and walked out of your room, seeing Ben standing there with a small brown bag.

Feeling your presence, he looked over, "I bought bagels and coffee... if you like coffee."

Walking over and smiling up at him, you nodded, "thank you." Grabbing a cup and then reaching into the bag, you bit into the bagel, too tired to even get cream cheese or butter.

"I think I should get going," Ben announced as you took a sip from your coffee. "Are you okay?" He asked as you nodded. "That's good, if anything, you can call me."

"Thank you... again..." you muttered, biting into your bagel and looking at him as he simply bowed his head. "Get home safe."

"Will do," he saluted, just about to walk out, only to stop. "Do you work today?" Ben asked.

"Uh... Yeah... From two to eight," you informed as he nodded.

"Okay." At that, he left your sight.

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